Friday, February 9, 2024

1.9.24 Legion

We have been learning how to help each kid manage stress. We are teaching things like sleep, preparation, breathing, and some energy expenditure. Addie feels better when she exercises. Her brothers like to hear her approval and be strong like her so they are often "training" with her. These are core exercises after a run. 
The location for regional American Legion speaking was John Day. We don't go that way very often, but with technology we could look at the road and see what conditions were to be expected. We also didn't have a solid  time the contest started, just after lunch. So we headed out on new roads with an adventure ahead. 
We were treated to beautiful scenery. 
Then it got worrisome. Unfortunately, we were following a very cautious driver. Greg hates following anyone. I was just very thankful he was dealing with it and I had a book to look at. 

Addie placed second she did well. I really wish they had a questions section but the scholarship addition is very welcome. It was good to visit with the Legionnaires, its great for Addie to gain more experience. She is becoming a poised confident young lady. We are very pleased with her ability to work hard and get the job done. 
Back at home after a long day of traveling, it was nice to be together. Reed and Addie are quite the team and Reed is a quiet supporter of Addie. Merle is fun for Reed to cuddle.
John enjoys his Christmas present nerf gun. We have the most reverent scripture times. 
Afton is literally in the middle or the picked-on younger sibling. It's not a good spot right now, I'm working to reign these older brothers in but am not finding a lot of success. 
The group on the sidelines. We do scriptures daily but I'm not sure anyone gets anything out of the experience. 

Life tools and changes and doesn't. We try to do what we are supposed to. When I read the quote "you will have greater peace and harmony in your home" I wonder. But we keep trying and forgiving, and learning to be kind, and not picking fights. The story of Lehi's family really resonates here. We are blessed. 


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