Wednesday, February 14, 2024

2.14.24 Food moving

Over the years we have moved many people. Each of these experiences taught my kids something different. In the recent years, we haven't been as involved. The older strong men that live at my house are often called to move some heavy things but the younger crew is out of luck when it comes to serving others. We were fortunate a few weeks ago to get to help my parents move their food storage. When we arrived we were delighted to find several cousins there already lugging items up the stairs and into the waiting trailer. 
The saying many hands make light work was put to the test. We were thankful for the various abilities and strengths shared that day. 

Grandma had used some of that food to prepare a delicious lunch. A quick or patient wait in line to wash hands then the feast!
Then back to work unloading the stores. Bruce, Cambree, Millie, Henley, Papa, and Rachel all worked and worked to make a lovely organized storage space.
Others made trip after trip to another shed hauling the longer-lasting dry goods. Again, I am so thankful or many legs to move and move the products. 
John and Mark put together more shelving and distributed the heavy stuff wherever it needed to go. The day was smooth and at the end nothing was broken and no one was sad. It's fun to be needed and impressive to be able to see a job well done. We are thankful for opportunities to help. Life is good. 

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