Friday, February 16, 2024

2.16.24 Baptism

I got a surprising phone call last week asking if Mark and John would be willing to baptize some kids who were being taught by the missionaries. The Sisters explained that the children did not really know anyone in the ward and the bishop suggested John and Mark. This was not a big deal just a surprise. I asked if they had treats lined up for after the baptism, they said no to that as well. So Tuesday night John, Mark, and LIvy who goes to school with the kids met with the missionaries to meet and share a discussion. They also met on Friday. Saturday we went to the baptism. It was a good example of missionary work. The kids are Armondo (boy, the smaller one) and LisaBella. They are twins. My guys did great and there was a powerful spirit in the room as the ordinance was performed. 
The missionaries in the area brought their close-to baptism friends to see what it's like. It was a long service but all enjoyed ice cream at the end. Reed held the microphone the next day as they were confirmed in sacrament meeting. So a complete experience by the teenage kids in our family. 
Afton wanted her hair done pretty for an event. 
We stopped to see grandma Lasley after the baptism and the boys picked out some Louis Lamour books from her stash. Figured we might as well grab a picture. 
Millie helped me in nursery. She is so good with children especially when they do what she likes to do. 
Back at home another week another effort at learning the gospel as a family. It's wild and takes endurance but we do it. 
So we support missionary work here in our town. John is getting ready to start his missionary journey beginning with figuring out how to login to his lds account. That is always a journey because youth create their own logins when they are younger and then don't use them and have no idea what any of their credentials are later when needed and the recovery process is not smooth. One more task to accomplish today. 

Alas, life is up and down full of challenges and beautiful moments. We are blessed to be together through it all. 

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