Wednesday, February 14, 2024

2.14.24 Sick day

Last week Merle was sick. He could manage toast so Andrea took care of him bringing him water and toast. She cares for him even as she endures much teasing and touching from him. It's a give and take. 
Addie thought it would be fun to make individual biscuit pizzas. After church, the kids had the experience of making their own pizza with her. They were so delighted. 

I also took some time to try some Valentine cards. A podcast I listened to said part of restoring your health and managing stress is doing things that are fun and bring you joy. I'm not good on knowing what would be fun but creating does bring me joy. Painting is slightly less messy than sewing although Andrea walks through the paint, coloring on the cards etc etc it is challenging with many people around. 

Bruce was reading to a sore and hurting Merle. I love that all my kids love books. 

Missionary Mondays are back. We are so thankful to be able to look Aliza in the eye. Sorry it's not the most flattering picture of her but it is the moment of connection for the week with her. After so many years home and around home it's still hard to not talk to her more often but I am managing. 
She is really enjoying her trainer Sister Muhlstein. I'm so thankful this has been such a positive. 
Her happy spot, all organized and ready to learn. She loves order and small things. Note the tiny tea cup and playing cards. 

Finally, after hours of crying, they gave in and went to sleep. 
The only thing they wanted to eat was some pears. 
Some of the away-from-home kids Aliza and Harold really enjoyed pears too. It reminds me time passes quickly to open jars of fruit they won't and weren't a part of. 
Now Andrea gets to enjoy them and learn the rewards of the harvest. Along with noodles. We were given some noodles from the moving project these two were sampling before I got the lasagna made. Honestly, they like raw noodles more than sauced and cheesed noodles. 
And that's a wrap. Thankfully everyone is well again and the crying has lessened considerably. I'm thankful for health and contentment. Life is good. 

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