Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3.11.14 Ode to My Kitchen Sink

There is a book out there called Reflections of a Kitchen Sink. I've read some of the blog posts the author composed-seeking wisdom, inspiration and trying to bring out my inner housekeeping pizzazz that get extinguished so quickly with so many busy oblivious bodies here. But today the reflection in my kitchen sink as it went from full of dishes to empty of dishes, to full of my sweet big baby, to holding chicken stuff, back to dishes and so on, I realized to me it is my central point. My reason for not blogging as often as I would. I have composed some hum-dinger observations there and then don't get to set them down in virtual reality. But this quick shot of my sweet baby

And my silly son!

Can you tell he's headed for a much needed shave? My Johnny always finds a way to have fun.

 Reminds me I am grateful my sink/plates/hands/heart/life is full. I am so blessed to be able to complain about too much instead of the enduring so many heartbreaks that are shared by mothers close to home and far away. Life is good- and clean- today!

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