Monday, March 3, 2014

3.3.14 Sunday is a Special Day

Millie sleeping on the top bunk with Addie.
Each Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest. Some Sundays are and some aren't yesterday changed with the announcements there was an orphan calf at the farm and Jay and Anna were headed to a special youth fireside. We made some phone calls and located milk replacer and a calf bottle nipple. GReg and the boys headed to the farm to find the calf and bring it to our house. I headed to neighbors to gather supplies, after stopping at the farm to visually confirm the calf was indeed still alive. I watched it tap dance on Greg's lap and so headed out to get some feed stuff, because it was vigorously Alive!
Rescuing the calf.
Getting the calf tied up so it can ride safely on the four wheeler

First feeding. Greg was instructed to milk the dead cow to get the important colustrom into the calf. It was easy to milk a dead cow and he got almost a half gallon. Without that critical nourishment the calf will die.

 Delicious Sunday dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Saunders house. Green Salad, Roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy and corn. This is comfort food. While I was sitting there last night watching I thought how times have changed. From the table being full of Greg's siblings to now being full of my children. But the meal is the same the table cloth is cheery- no milk was even spilled last night!!!- and the memories will continue. How great it is to have grandparents! And how it has become a happy place in my mind enjoying the food, company and overall feeling of family dinner.

The German chocolate cake to celebrate grandpa's happy birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda! Ruth just told me about your blog today!! I didn't know you had one. How could I have missed that?? I LOVE it! I've just spent more time than I should have scrolling through and reading. Every picture makes me smile. I can't help thinking, "I want to be a part of that family"! :) Lucky me, I am! Thanks for sharing!
