Monday, March 17, 2014

3.15.14 Harold's Dream Come True

Willowcreek, the kids school, competes in a small school basketball tournament each February. The 5/6th grade class and various 7/8th grade alumni make up the teams. Harold really wants to play sports. Football in the fall and basketball in the winter. His first report card of the year was not stellar. He is capable of much better. Simple things like turning in assignments and correcting when given the chance would do wonders for his final composite scores. We talked about this and made a plan. We even discussed his athletic future being very dim if he didn't pick up his grades. Fast forward another 9 weeks and it was the same story which also coincided with basketball season starting. I had to stand firm and deny his repeated requests to play because he had not kept his end of the bargain. It was torture for him and me.

Every boy in his class was on the team. Every day they had practice he was super sad, I hate to see my kids super sad. Well we survived. there were some obvious hard days and hopefully the lesson was learned. This weekend we had a fundraiser for the school. Various community members play basketball from the back of a donkey. It is all in good fun. This year they did a different half time entertainment. They had the boys from Willowcreek play against the girls. The kids that had participated in the tournament were showing their skills, a one last exhibition match.

Well Harold was asked to play on the boys team as many of the original players were not there. We were totally surprised.

 He did the tip off. He dominated the girl, and got the ball, being the second tallest kid in class and tallest one by almost a head on the floor. He then went on to score the first points of the game. He wasn't totally sure of the strategy but he kept taking shots and passing the ball and playing defense. A friend made the second basket then two more times up and down the floor Harold scored again!!
I was so proud of my son. His friend made another basket and with seconds left the girls finally scored and the match was over. Of course the comments were made about letting him play next year. And his smile was huge and wide! Final score 8-2. Boys win.

It constantly amazes me the things that happen to remind Harold how much Heavenly Father loves him and is aware of his deepest desires. From snow in May to this totally unexpected opportunity. I did point that out to him after he caught his breath. God does notice our pains and our hopes.

Aliza and partner Addie selling concessions. Addie was delighted to wear the money belt- hopefully people helped get the correct change back.

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