Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3.18.14 Fortune Cookie - Hillbillie Style

The kids take cold lunch 3 out of 4 days of the week Today was popcorn chicken with sweet and sour sauce over rice with a fortune cookie. That was not high on their list like cheeseburgers or pizza so they packed a lunch. Well lucky for them they were invited to share in the extra fortune cookies.

Some essential background information- any and all Chinese food is detested by head Saunders here. He comes by it honestly as it is not a favorite among most of the Saunders men. I however, really liked Chinese food in my previous life and would treat my self to Panda Express in grad school. Well fast forward to many years of being pregnant and dating only one non-appreciative restaurant goer and so my experiences with Chinese food were small and the pregnant thing made it not so desirable. Hence, my children are very lacking in their craving or eating of Chinese food.

back to the story-
So they excitedly get the cookies, find their fortunes and read them. They were then  instructed by more wise or wily classmates that to get the fortune to come true they must eat the fortune. Yep eat the paper! While hearing this story I was shocked they fell for it, I mean really eat paper?! One favorite son said "but mom it wouldn't come true if I didn't!" I shook my head in disbelief, really? Come true?! Oh my silly innocent hill billy kiddos. So far many hours later they are resting peacefully in bed. Eating paper must not have hurt that much.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I wonder if I would have fallen for that one at that age. I like to think not but it would be entirely possible:) You must have taught faith well because they are definitely acting on faith:)
