Monday, March 31, 2014


Reed turned 4. As is our tradition we lit him on fire! well not actually just some of my amazing trick photography skills.

My parents gave him the individual ice cream that the kids love. I'm pretty sure I should have let Aliza or Livy eat his as I vaguely recall him finishing off theirs. I did notice he ate his quickly so as not to suffer the same fate. Oh well.

Reed is a cute boy who loves to eat chocolate muffins and pie. He is sweet and mischievous. He is careful and kind when he chooses to be and a real menace to his little sister  at other times.

 "I tackle her!" he said proudly as I read this to him.

 He will test my mom radar by randomly smacking or pulling curls for a favorite little sister. He is also very into hugs, playing with tractors that have trailers hooked on them, and loves to ride his stick horse fast! He likes stories and is still snugly. He is also enjoying primary and the fun of sharing his colored pictures from class with me each week. He is our farthest spaced child an island if you will. Almost 2 years from either sibling on each side and our lone male home with 3 sisters and one mom. Wow, he has to be tough. He is a funny duck who is going through the "I'm dead stage."Where he likes to play dead, complete with tongue hanging out.

We also celebrated Greg's birthday. He's 40! It is making us both take stock in where we are, where we are going, and what is working and not in our lives. It's hard to get older and admit you are a bit more mortal than you had previously believed. He is an amazing man. He has more stamina than most people. And I can not keep up with him for 2 days in a row. He never complains, rarely fights back, is a staunch defender of right and a great provider and protector. He loves Cummins, snap-on, pie, his family, and hates sitting still or relaxing. He likes war books & magazines, farming, and marvel comic movies. And he can still do LOTS of push-ups. He is kind and charitable, he loves helping others, especially older ladies. He loves to visit and hear people's life stories. He is super self-disciplined and I'm grateful to say my amazing husband.
At our second favorite restaurant Texas Roadhouse eating while we texted Brenda. Such a modern date.
Millie discovered an open flour bucket. She had a lot of fun feeling the flour on the floor.

We don't do baby bottles much here but she loves the calf nipple. It is good an chewy. We try to keep the used one away from her. So far neither calf nor baby is suffering from cross contamination though. Phew.

Good for sore gums. She now has two teeth.

Addie loves to take pictures of Liza. Here she is enjoying one of the fine days of spring break.

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