Monday, March 31, 2014

3.31.14 Extremes

I was informed over break that while discussing extremes in class one of Anna's friends had stated: "Anna's mom has an extreme number of kids!" The teacher agreed that yes she does, then went on to speculate that Anna's mom would be pregnant by summer. Lovely.

I hate how it makes me bat an eye at these obvious observations. I would like to state that we are the kind of family that should be adding a child each year. I work hard to make sure my kids are taken care of, taught to be workers, intelligent, charitable, honest, kind, clean and in short good people. Yes it is more than the norm. I have my reasons- I listed them all as I lay there awake not sleeping last night mulling this over. Why do I let little things get under my skin and interrupt my sleep so much?
Red Barn Photography c 2006

I really do believe in the power of family and that there is a great need for good people to raise families to counter and help the very sick and needy world we live in. I try in small ways, to reach out to other children to encourage and notice them. I work to be informed and give ideas and support to the teachers and administrators. I do my part at home of giving my kids love, food, safety, and educational resources and discussions. Oh and discipline. They have been taught and trained since birth to be civil. So while I do have more than the norm, I am seeking to spread more than the normal amount of good.

I don't think of my children as 9 kids. I think of them as individuals that have unique styles, likes, features, struggles, and personalities. I don't claim to know every bump and freckle on each one. I don't know them all on me. But I do claim to love and fight for them all the way through and around. I have given up my aspiration for my name in print for penning some landmark study, but I see my kids names in print for good works, fun activities or the like and it makes me beam.
Red Barn Photography c 2012
 As I'm slowly learning I could do 'some' myself, but I can do exponentially do more with each child that is trained to work, think, and act for good. How humbling and overwhelming it gets at times to teach them those skills and that mindset. How awesome it is when it happens and miraculous when I see them self-initiate.

So yes my "hands are full!" and I am blessed to be able to have nine and counting in my heart to love and teach to be a positive influence on this world and in their individual classrooms. One teacher called them naive students, I rebutted with wholesome. My contribution to being on earth is an extreme amount of wholesome kids who positively contribute to our community and then will also have extreme families to continue the chain. That we aren't just a ripple, but a wave of good things. It's good to be different!

And one last disclaimer I'm pretty sure I will get the slap in my face for claiming we are good, yet I know life is a running score not a one event race. So come what may we are working hard to lay solid foundation and build strong character houses that will be strong enough to withstand the tempests of life. Just like building a house you don't use all the products purchased you saw some pieces off, you have extra, you have packaging you dispose of. You make a mess of dust and debris.  We have habits and faults we discard and saw off, and messes we have to clean up but hopefully the end result  will be good and strong.

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