Sunday, March 16, 2014

3.14.13 Family Weekend

One of the best parts of Matt's coming home was that a lot of the siblings and cousins came as well. It was the normal, the tradition, the best!-stuff that we always do. People came in Friday night. We enjoyed visiting, catching up, and teasing. Saturday morning started off with baking powder or Brigham Young donuts and deviled eggs. The kids got busy helping Grandpa change pivot tires, the girls played, the moms worked at cleaning, cooking and chatting. We had a few hours of just discussing current events, church lessons, kid problems, books, and the like. One bonus of being a nursing mom is the rquisite time to sit and nurse. This means you get to sit and talk or read or just plain sit!!

It was awesome to enjoy being together and catching up. It was great to have all the brothers together again.

One tradition Uncle Matt started, and Uncle Jay has preserved, is playing football with the nices and nephews.  The kids waited 4 days to get to play with Uncle Matt. They had grown quite a bit and gained a lot more skill, muscle, and ability.

These four were very busy swinging and playing house in the play house. Aliza is the mastermind and the others have a mostly great time being all together. I heard a lot of singing coming from the playhouse. I'm sure I wasn't supposed to know. They love to go in there and sing songs at the top of their  lungs Rapunzel like.
They also patiently play with the smaller kids reading, coloring, singing  and picking up after the small fries. 
Notice Millie with the other 2 and under crowd. She thinks she is just as big because she is upright. Livy is the oldest of the 2012 bunch, Millie is the oldest of the 2013 group. The other two kiddos are from 2012.

Of course we had to learn some other skills as well. Conner is a champion target shooter. The other kids all proudly wore a small bruise on their arms from the experience. (Greg was disappointed I didn't get more pictures, but I was with the moms inside cooking and cleaning up- or maybe resting?!)

An added bonus was the addition of Uncle Dave and Aunt Lexine's family. This is their son Jacob reading to the many bookworms Aunt Gwen has inspired. He was so good to read them a long Disney story. 

The master architect of another successful family weekend. Great food, full bellies, smiles on faces and good times to remember. She is amazing with her ability to roll through it all. She's taking pictures of the college kids before they go. 

Getting ready for dinner. Aunt Jill helping Janice her daughter. It's always good to get together. It used to throw me into a panic attack. Knowing my house was not spotless, my yard not perfect and my kids a lot! But as I have realized the power in sameness and crave the time with ladies who don't think I'm crazy. I now truly look forward to the experience of being together. I love hearing singing full volume from the playhouse when I walk by unexpectedly. I love my boys talking about how they are digging a tunnel to each others houses, or riding their bikes together. I love how different kids link up for a few days of fun. I love the insights, the jokes, the shared experience of being in a large family. 

The question is often asked how do you even know them all? How do all of you fit? Easily. Or at least because my mother-in-law is patient and has a system it just works. Yep we do the same basic meals- lasagne, oven casserole, donuts, tacos, spaghetti, roast/ham/turkey, ROLLS!, pies, Grandma's special cold cereal, cookies etc. New things are added as new recipes are tried and loved or someone develops a new talent for something like Sheryl's dessert assortment. There's always enough, it happens in shifts which is pretty natural. The guys can't be bothered with eating when there is work to be done and assorted kids are at various locations on the farm. Everyone washes a few dishes, most the kids pick up something and we try to be patient with taking turns.

I used to think that the relator that sold this farm to Saunders should be hunted down for false advertising, but as I have watched the cousins come and go over the years I realize the farm isn't necessarily about prosperity and ease but about being the rock that has shaped so many souls. Many many lessons, imaginative dreams and play have been fostered here, many bonds solidified and testimonies sprouted. It is a good place. A place many call home.

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