Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3.12.14 Elder Matt Saunders Came Home !!!!

Our Missionary came home. He has a lot of people calling him "Their missionary" and all 11 well maybe 10, it might be mushy for Greg-he's not a sentimentalist like that- call him our missionary. He came home last week. Missionary homecomings totally beat out weddings for great events. No dress shopping or stressing over the reception just show up and wait and enjoy!
I kept the kids home from school as we had to be to the airport by 12 and didn't want to add more miles trekking the 40 mile round trip to their school. 

To prepare we had to channel some energy and time and hands so was painted two signs. Thank you my 5th grade teacher Mr. Yamasaki for teaching me shadowing. It's not perfect but it's the thought and effort that count. After stressing and polling Greg's sisters we came up with ....

By this time we were almost late- of course doesn't time just fly when you're trying too hard to spend it?! We hurried and changed into "town clothes" meaning matching, clean, lacking obvious holes, and coordinated...mostly, with shoes. And rushed out the door. We made it with plenty of time and got the lay of the airport parking places. We were amazed at the amount of taxi cabs outside the airport just waiting. We finally were able to unload and head into the airport.

We honestly could have played for hours on the escalators. They are such a novelty to small town kids. I admit I was a little nervous riding with Millie in my arms- balance and heightened caution about my sore hip, and watching Harold balance Livy on his shoulders... It was fun though. 

We waited and waited. You have to know Matt is a tease. He likes to trick. So I had a hunch he would be the last one off the plane like after they cleaned it and re-fueled it last. No big surprise when he was like 5 minutes after the last of the last meaning wheel chair and old lady passengers. 

It was so great and totally worth the wait!! He was shiny not just from South American sun, but from his two years of studying, serving, learning and obeying the call to serve. It was pretty awesome and humbling to be in his presence and witness the changes that had occurred. I marveled the Greg was passed over by so many young ladies to wait for me.  It is hard to think of not seeing and hugging and looking in to the eyes of any of my children for that long, but seeing and feeling the changes and growth made it seem like a pretty good sacrifice. 
After the airport we headed to the Golden Corral. Super!

Note Millie observing and hoping for a taste. Not sure why Aliza is so disgusted and yes Livy lost her shoes, as usual.

All you can eat gummy bears, hamburgers, french fries and new this time chocolate & caramel fountains and cotton candy. Holy Moley!!!

We left semi-Roley-Poly too. Headed for some quick shopping. It was so fun that my older girls are old enough to be interested and curious about this fashion or that. I loved Liza trying to find things for me. So sweet of her. I struggled to find shoes for my orphan Livy- hopefully she doesn't loose these pronto too. And headed home.

While on the freeway we noticed another Maxi van that was also a diesel. These are not common, much to Greg's pride. We were speculating how smart the other people were too. After a few miles remembered the man who had introduced us to the joys of diesel vans had one just that color. We realized it was that very man cruising two lanes over from us. Greg maneuvered our vans close and instructed/asked me to roll the window down to talk- at 75 mph on the freeway. I said NO!!! He had the controls so he did and we talked. Ended up going to his house. The kids found his walnut tree.

I really enjoy this man he is a great conversationalist, a masterful salesman and a heavy dose of reality. He bought this property and was remodeling it for his family of 8 when his wife left him for his contractor. The remodel was never finished and he loves kids. He refuses to consider remarriage as being Catholic it is against his religion. My heart breaks for his family, and I always find myself holding tighter to Greg's hand to reassure myself that no matter what I will not go there- at all, ever. This is too important to trade. 

After all this excitement and reflection we headed to our favorite local Men's clothing store and with Greg in tow found two new church suits and four ties that are hidden from his sons. Greg is maybe the only man who was very disappointed to not receive ties for Christmas or Father's day last year. His sons 4 necks are usually sporting one of his ties on Sunday morning and our Van is hauling the ties around as floor fauna the rest of the week.  
We proceeded on to help my mother by taking some of her food experimenting, cinnamon rolls. She's trying to perfect her recipe for a fundraiser auction. We have been so gracious as to eat a few dozen. Thanks mom!
It was a great day. Another stay-cation where we made detours, but mostly enjoyed our time together and are always reminded how great what we have really is.

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