Wednesday, December 23, 2015

12.23.15 Dog chicken Update

Well we apparently need target practice. As I diligently worked on getting the Christmas party planned for our ward many a phone call was intereputed with "Hold on I need to go shoot a dog..."

Then the rush to get the gun and load it and make it shoot.

Yep I need a lot more practice moving targets are much harder to stop then a jug of water or pop can. So far dogs are still at large somewhere. THey also killed a duck and one more chicken. And I got no shots. John got one, much to his sickday delight!

I did get the right ammo in the right gun but that was about it. Jammed it once and had too many obstructions the next time. Cows, pivots, cars, kids, and trees are very prohibitive. Oh well lesson learned need to practice more.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

12.22.15 Fa-la-la-la

We have been working through each kiddo getting their bi-annual dentist visit. So far so good. Livy had a 2 cavities but the rest have been clear. Until today. WE saved the best till last. Anna has 13 cavities. All which must be filled immediately. No watch them or we’ll wait and see. 

This amazing news was not a great way to start our family day out Christmas shopping. A few years ago we had a great experience complete with 3 helpers (my mom, brother and sister) shopping for gifts. The kids drew names and then purchased for their sibling. They have asked to do it again and again. We worked through Amazon last year and that was okay but they really wanted the store experience. This year we’ve been serving and working hard to reach as many as we can to share a few moments of Christmas cheer with them. I always fret that we aren’t doing enough frivolous fun stuff with the kids just letting them be kids.
Funny as I write that because that’s when they get in trouble and I lose my cool with them is over the frivolous

                           Afton loves all the attention of siblings home! We enjoy having Anna back from basketball

Afton discovered marshmallows on the floor. YUM YUM! She was super happy with this taste experience

So today was the day. We loaded all 10 kids in the car early, had the treat plates ready for after the shopping and we headed to town.  Got our gifts dropped off 3 kids made their dentist appointments on time! However after hearing the breath-taking news I was hardly in the mood or happy frame of mind to navigate all 10 alone in the store and drive to a big town nearby.
However I followed my husband’s  instructions and we headed to the nearest Deseret Industries. I had shopped at Wal-Mart yesterday trying to finish up and was sickened by how much things cost and how little I had actually purchased. I returned 6 things and cut my bill in half before leaving the parking lot. I have since found many similar items at thrift stores and am hooked on thrift shopping.
The DI was awesome. It’s new, clean, big, inviting, not crowded and as the kids exclaimed “They let you try the toys to see if you like them…!”

I grew up with a yard sale grandparent. HE got great deals on good stuff all the time. He is not able to do that anymore but I scour craigslist, ebay, and thrift stores hunting for things we need or want.
It was very hard keeping eyes off presents, keeping minds focused on the sibling they were gifting and not themselves, and trying to keep respectful of the store. The staff was kind and patient but the cart racing and kids everywhere was CRAZY! I don’t do well looking calm and successful when they are all scattered like chickens being chased by coyotes!
We got the gifts the kids did well.  They are way better gifter’s than I am and we survived in tact enough to go to Wendy’s for Frostys, fries, and burgers. I forgot to order enough for me. It’s so enormous to have them all together in public. I’m paranoid, frantic, and self-conscious. But the sweet little lunch I had with Livy and Addie was precious.  

We went on to deliver plates of cinnamon rolls and loaves of bread. All good till we got out in the country and got stuck. I hate being stuck. I hate being powerless and embarrassed and stuck waiting! We rocked back and forth all over. The kids pushed and played snowball fight and watched and I got mad and swore and we finally spun a lot of rubber and got out. Wonderful parenting example I’m sure, killed the warm feelings of Christmas cheer. Probably too much in one day. Wouldn’t know how to live though if life wasn't jam packed with possibility. Now we are home. Spread out and free of close proximity and not in front of others. 

I mediated and  prayed my whole way over counting blessings and begged for more miracles. We have them in our big family journey. Although we were in the doctors office 4x last week with 4 different strep cases and had 9 of us tested. I think we have got it nipped in the bud. Thus saving money and fret over antibiotic cost.  And though Anna’s teeth are terrible no one else’s were this time. And we found cool presents and got our list mostly done and we are going to survive cussing mom and all. The pictures capture our better moments. 

So life is  real at our household. It is crazy, calm, warm & bright, and cold and cussing! But lesson learned is calm down remember the reason… and don’t go where it is treacherously slick and on a hill. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night (and one day of sleeping in hopefully soon)!!

Monday, December 14, 2015

12.14.15 chicken mayhem

A change is as good as a rest....or so the saying goes. Today instead of going to school we went to the dentist and doctor.
 Livy was first in the chair. They verified cavities. She did great!! Our dentist has tvs on the ceiling and she was mesmerized.
After her visit I left three to cycle thru cleanings and took a sore throat for a strep test. Unbeknownst to me the clinic is now appointments only. They did conceed to take us this time.
The hardest part of doctors visits are the well children. This child has not been 100 percent for a few days. He was content to lay on the short paper covered table\bed.
The other three are very well and got Bored!!! Very quickly. After touching,climbing on, and opening everything possible. They took to each other. I think cameras on waiting exam rooms might be funny.

When we got back to the dentist to pickup those who had been seen they had time to fill Lucy's cavities. She was a champ and got two teeth filled!! Yeah Livy. We love ourquick,  patient, understanding dentist.

After all our running we got home to find carnage. 6 dead chickens!! Feathers all over and some stray dogs meandering away. Grr!! Mark was very upset.
We hunted for chickens and found stragglers. One was stuck in the pig pen mud. After prying her out of the muck she seemed ok
 Time will tell. While we rounded them  Greg hunted dogs. Mark and John dug holes to dispose of carcasses.

Life on the farm is always a surprise! I was pondering the possibility of watching a Christmas movie when we got home but instead we finished off a mortally wounded rooster. Shot a dog. Shot a tree (I was just practicing shooting a gun. Greg was so mad I didn't at least kill a bird. I was only aiming at the tree.)  and my boys buried dead chickens. Which as I review this is probably far superior to zoning out. I think mom is the only one here who seriously craves nothing time. Although no one was happy about the situation it's much more engaging.
Oh well maybe Christmas day we will do nothing. Best to you today.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

12.13.15 all i want for Christmas

After a long and patient year we got married at Christmas time. We had CDS made to provide background music for our reception. The number one song from that compilation is All I want for Christmas is You!  Every year when I ask Greg what he wants he replies I already have what I want, you! He's so sweet. I realized this weekend that I should probably reply so nicely as well. I'm very slow on the love front, oops. Seriously though he is such a great husband. Patient and kind, stubborn and strong, and very endearing. These pictures were taken after our annual town party. A friend throws a party that is always interesting. Being the working homebodies we are we don't get out much. This event is always a surprise as to who we will end up sharing our dinner table with and get to know for an hour or so. I love the new interactions and I love and hate trying to get prettied up enough to be seen on my husbands arm.

I love that our children are photo bombing our picture. I love being a mom! I love my kiddos and it is a gift to have each one of them struggles and all in our home and life.

Any free moment- meaning not filled with meetings- we are delivering cookie plates or cinnamon rolls to neighbors and friends. This has become the thing I want for Christmas. Time with my family enjoying pleasant activity. We now sing with each plate drop off. The delight and surprise of people living in the country makes this added effort worth the time.
It was additionally thrilling to watch Addie, Reed, and Aliza take over much of the cooking. I'm reaping the rewards of good readers, eager helpers, and maturity! It is good. I'm the dishwasher and rescue cook. They are the creators and workers. We still had food coloring in the carpet and all over some kids who weren't helping, and I discovered Afton had a hair cut sometime this weekend as well- probably thanks to Livy, and lots of fingers taste testing, but we got through and it is good to share time and love with others!

And finally on our day-date from the temple we stopped for a minute to look at an army surplus yard and found this tank complete with missiles. Take that home security system! We didn't purchase it, of course, but I thought it was pretty funny. Greg taught me it is a decoy. Anyway just a random item to add to your prepping list... Merry Christmas to you.

Friday, December 11, 2015

12.11.15 Keeping On'

Anna's Evening of Excellence was the best ever this year. The girls decided, decorated, led, and completed all the of the evenings events. It was simple and sweet with almost each girl picture reporting on one project or goal she had worked one over the year. I loved that all the girls participated. Their singing of I am like a Star shining brightly was tender and innocent like they mostly still are. And I loved that the entire focus of the evening was them. No hoopla, no days of decorating and undercoating, just simple this is what we are learning and what we learned, then casual visiting and lovely treats, and home.

Her new leaders are really teaching a powerful lesson that is in direct line with President Uctdorf's continual counsel to simplify and just focus on the most important part.

At the end of the day I am done. Tired, frazzled from homework and trying to get children to bed, and listening to crying toddlers all day. I'm wound tight! Addie likes to cuddle and play with me a bit. Here she had added more curls to my hair. She is a sweet kiddo and I do enjoy her need for attention, it helps me unwind a bit too.

And the latest new worker recruits. We bought another four wheeler. This one is more kid friendly and these two are all too happy to drive here and there working on fencing. The focus of our lives for these past few months has been Fencing. It's good to have busy kids, it's good to be outside, it's good to gain confidence. The rest of the world cannot fathom the responsibility of cows. It's very difficult to reconcile our families efforts on building pens and helping with these beasts for the time being- with our other commitments. I'm sure I will miss the necessary work but as of this morning and struggling with merit badge issues and scouting, and Christmas traditions- I'm screaming uncle we can't do anymore!!

Yet we will do more, and we will survive and somehow we will work through the frustrations. I think that is the best part of marriage the calm partner who is not riled and who keeps the situation from nuclear crisis mode. So onto the fencing and the fun of up and down the road on the 4-wheeler, and the muscles of working, and the large meals for the crew! Work is good and as the quote says-  
Work will Win when wishy washy wishing won't!! 
Best to you today.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

12.10.15 Growing Beets

 I had a rare opportunity to steal away by myself and attend a lunch meeting. It was relaxing and reflective because the purpose of the lunch was to cheer my dad on as he received an award for growing beets for 40+ years.

Sugar beet harvest has long been my favorite quite possibly because it was the last. It was also a time when kids could and do come and ride and enjoy festive lunch time visits. Beets have been a staple commodity for my parents farming operation. During their early married years my dad was part of the beet board that was the go-between the farmers and the sugar company. This work and service allowed and required him to go to annual sugar meetings all over the country. My parents would go for 3-7 days to many different locations across the country. Sounds dreamy to me now! We loved the time with grandparents and the pictures and treasures they brought back for us. A few of my fondest memories of childhood are from the times they were gone. Watching the Mary Fannigan murder mystery with my grandparents... my parents probably wouldn't have let me watch that but I still remember that show. Getting chewing gum, and things like large oreos in my lunch, my grandfather driving us to and from school and how happy I was to see him after middle school waiting for me. Pancakes for breakfast everyday!

My dad related in his acceptance speech that it's actually been 75 continuous years that our family of now 5 generations have been delivering beets to the local factory! That's a lot of beets, work, and history.
I'm thankful for these devoted, long suffering, always improving, energetic parents of mine. They are a great example of love and devotion to each other and the things they devote their time to. Thanks mom and dad for a walk down memory lane and a lifetime of great memories.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

12.8.15- November wrap up

My baby loves cookie dough! Gross! She is much more content up where the action is happening. She grabbed this spatula and fell in love. I had to take a picture because I really think cookie dough is gross and scolded my sisters for teaching Anna and Aliza to like it. Guess it's inevitable.

My conscientious scout getting an award for always wearing his scout shirt...that he couldn't' find for pack meeting.

Doing a skit with a friend. Thank goodness for opportunities that stretch these boys of mine and help them gain confidence.

A shared spur of the moment experience. My kiddos are growing up. As a gift my sister Mary offered to share her season tickets to the BSU game. I wasn't interested at first but last minute we pulled it together and Anna and I zoomed off to Boise to the game. I must be a mom because I thought it was loud and tribalistic. I think it's city peoples way of letting off steam to stand and yell at reff's, player's and the like for hours on end. But it was rare and wonderful to share time with my kind, inquisitive, oldest daughter and very thoughtful smart sister Mary. I appreciate her thoughtfulness in making this night happen. It was a cold night but it was really entertaining to see the marching band perform Itsy-Bitsy spider complete with spider formation,  and the wheels on the bus complete with moving bus wheels.
The hoopla of sporting events was awesome, and it was good to introduce my daughter to another life experience. I did love college sports when I was in college.

And the reason for the experience Anna and Harold had birthdays. our Irish twins are now 14 and 13.

Harold was gone camping with the scouts as he has been for the last 2 years. He's a tough cookie and gaining that ability to be always prepared and ready for any situation. Love that program!! Even though I worry constantly when my boy is sleeping out in the 10 degree wet weather.
Afton loves all the attention and activity when everyone is home. This brother dotes on her. Possibly that is why she is not such a happy camper all day when they are gone. I am officially boring!! Or out of shape and responsible for a lot more laundry, dishes, and dinner than she is. Oh well thank goodness for the bus that brings fun back home, to rescue the littles from boring mom.
So quick salute to my teenagers-
Anna is kind to others and her parent, pretty I almost tear up looking at her kid pictures to now she has become a young woman! She makes life beautiful she loves to draw and design things. She is insightful, she gets the gospel and is understanding life and people in a loving concerned way. She is spiritual and is moving onto developing her testimony on her own. And  she is strong! Pounding posts, herding cows-she is not afraid and knows how to work those fast stubborn beasts- and playing ball she is a force to be reckoned with.

Harold. Where to start? He has been his own strong willed person since conception. Coming far earlier than we had planned, making me seriously reconsider all my ideas of parenting and child bearing. He was taken by life-flight after 3 days of incubator hoping. I didn't hold this kiddo for more than a minute until he was about 5 days old. He was content just growing in that box for a week... I would go visit him daily and cry on the way there and cry on the way back. He taught me about faith, sacrifice, and commitment. These necessities haven't changed a whole lot.
Harold is the epitome of "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink!!!" He does things his own way in his own time. I am constantly fighting for and with him still today. I'm proud of who he is and defeated when he shows me again and again he's not all the way there yet. The one thing I'm trying to get into his head is- He is and can be much more, than the minimal amount he usually puts into life.
He's smart, he's kind, he loves to play with his little sisters, he is funny, he is quiet. He figures out any paper design thing- origami is easy for him!!
He's a leader, and he's working hard at figuring out how to be a man. His epic response to what he wants in a wife is - Not a jerk! He makes people laugh, and his smile is still infectious! hence his long lost nickname Happy.
I love these two. I thank God that he knew better than I, in sending them so close together. They are best friends sharing confidences and seeking each others advice and support. I love how they care for and challenge me.

Monday, December 7, 2015

12.7.15- Cinnamon Rolls

December is a crazy busy time of year. I tried to make it less stressful and wound up making it more work for me... traditions are in place for a reason. Some day I may learn to stop working against myself.
Until then my cute crew is growing and advancing in their ability to help. These girls mastered the art of cinnamon rolls this weekend.

We have always taken treats to friends in December it's our version of delivering bags of sugar. MY dad being a sugar beet grower would give 5lb bags of sugars to landlords, neighbors, and associates in the month of December. I loved going with my dad to do this. So we support him and make treats.
With the outrageous cost of eggs and butter we have switched from cookies this year to cinnamon rolls.

And the finished product. We give bread to the sugar restricted friends we know. We only give one roll per person as it's not a feast just a gesture of goodwill, gratitude, and love from our family to another.

Addie also made a family picture book this weekend. Pretty nice! She worked for a few hours putting it together then I worked for another one editing. It amazes me how capable they are getting. While I struggle to stay ahead of them in organization and understanding of all the technology, understanding world events and how to handle difficult social things it is wonderful to receive their work and their offerings as part of our family.
I was working on another remembrance book and from Dec 2011 the little kids were sick and it was busy. Dec 2015 the littles are sick and we are more busy! Thank goodness we still have littles and thank goodness for Tylenol! What a miracle drug that is. Can't imagine how scary and long life would without the comfort of knocking back fevers and taking the edge off very painful teeth. 
As I review and plan and shop for Christmas excitement I'm more thankful for what we do have and at a loss for what more we could possibly want. I think that is the root of my Christmas frustration is there is nothing we NEED.
This weekend my sisters and parents worked on emptying my grandparents house. That was sad, and enjoyable to remember and relive memories found in pictures, clothes, quilts, whisks, and old newspaper clippings, and thus bittersweet. How I love the life and memories they gave me. They were the best part of my Christmas. I'm searching my mind how to share the special-ness they gave and how to overcome my oh to sensible side. But just like the sugar bags have morphed into sweet things, my Christmas offering to my family will morph into something that is us at this time.
As I've asked the kids what they want it's things like to be home together, watch a movie, eat pie, big tractors!! Books. And Mark just like he did 4 years ago farm animals! Somethings never change- well except he really wants live animals not plastic ones from D & B!
Our best and most sincere wish that you will find a Merry Christmas too this year.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

12.1.15 Family HOME Evening

For a few days now I have been pretty convinced my family would be much better off with a different mom. One who doesn't swear, who gets the house cleaned, who is a better cook, who is more patient and doesn't yell so much. A mom like I wish to be but life of crying babies, messy curious toddlers, trying in some small part to reach out to sisters in my ward and family occasionally, it just isn't happening as of the past months or maybe even years?
I will spare you the details but it has been pretty dismal in my head of late. I'll blame a lot on hormones changing and a non-sleeping baby. But the thoughts were pretty rampant nonetheless. Last night, two things though changed that for a minute, and I have to write them down for fear of loosing them to the cobwebs of time.

For the past couple years though we have been really trying to have family home evening. Of late Greg has even been coming home. Our life touched  me last night, again hormones and other situations swirling around, I just love this family of mine.

Anna was doing her homework, the boys were interested in seeing if they could understand some of her science problems. They did and were elaborating their understanding. I love how engaged they are it wasn't squabbling just sharing life.

The best part of having Greg home is one more set of hands. Here he is helping the little girls finish their soup. I love soup in the winter, they weren't quite so impressed. He is so kind to patiently feed each bite to them. Most of his pictures in our married life are him feeding kids. He is a kind dad. I love how mature and skilled Millie is getting. Just looking at the way she holds her spoon. They are changing so fast.

And more homework. This time pre-algebra with Harold.  And do I dare explain the picture? Okay So one son has a mucus problem. It's always clotted in his nose and it's gross. He doesn't or won't clean it. So I instructed him in a perfect mom moment to "Pick it if he won't blow it!" I did not instruct him to eat it just clean it out!
This is the boogie dance... yes they are singing a song about boogies. fuzzy twirls and all they were really into the dance! Yes, maybe I should have just stuck with swearing. Nevertheless it was funny, it was happy and honestly while no formal lesson was taught- we went on to sort potatoes- I absolutely love these times when we are just together.

Mothers of young children you want out, you want activity, you want something stimulating. I can hardly believe how nowadays I just want home. I want nothing going on. I want them all here not elsewhere. And how it's these random spur of the moment moments that are the best times. It is very rare for us all to be here. And while the homework took till 10:30 (I knew it! I was so ecstatic to be comprehending algebra so well, possibly divine intervention) and the topics may not have been the most wholesome it was good.

 I'm struggling to sort the important from the nice and to truly share the excitement and wonder and greatness of the month. December is already loaded full of requirements and activity and a looming sickness is lurking in some throats already but I am grateful to have the problem of people I love in my life. I am thankful for a knowledge of the Savior and a month to re-visit his life and ministry with my family. Merry Christmas.