Tuesday, December 22, 2015

12.22.15 Fa-la-la-la

We have been working through each kiddo getting their bi-annual dentist visit. So far so good. Livy had a 2 cavities but the rest have been clear. Until today. WE saved the best till last. Anna has 13 cavities. All which must be filled immediately. No watch them or we’ll wait and see. 

This amazing news was not a great way to start our family day out Christmas shopping. A few years ago we had a great experience complete with 3 helpers (my mom, brother and sister) shopping for gifts. The kids drew names and then purchased for their sibling. They have asked to do it again and again. We worked through Amazon last year and that was okay but they really wanted the store experience. This year we’ve been serving and working hard to reach as many as we can to share a few moments of Christmas cheer with them. I always fret that we aren’t doing enough frivolous fun stuff with the kids just letting them be kids.
Funny as I write that because that’s when they get in trouble and I lose my cool with them is over the frivolous

                           Afton loves all the attention of siblings home! We enjoy having Anna back from basketball

Afton discovered marshmallows on the floor. YUM YUM! She was super happy with this taste experience

So today was the day. We loaded all 10 kids in the car early, had the treat plates ready for after the shopping and we headed to town.  Got our gifts dropped off 3 kids made their dentist appointments on time! However after hearing the breath-taking news I was hardly in the mood or happy frame of mind to navigate all 10 alone in the store and drive to a big town nearby.
However I followed my husband’s  instructions and we headed to the nearest Deseret Industries. I had shopped at Wal-Mart yesterday trying to finish up and was sickened by how much things cost and how little I had actually purchased. I returned 6 things and cut my bill in half before leaving the parking lot. I have since found many similar items at thrift stores and am hooked on thrift shopping.
The DI was awesome. It’s new, clean, big, inviting, not crowded and as the kids exclaimed “They let you try the toys to see if you like them…!”

I grew up with a yard sale grandparent. HE got great deals on good stuff all the time. He is not able to do that anymore but I scour craigslist, ebay, and thrift stores hunting for things we need or want.
It was very hard keeping eyes off presents, keeping minds focused on the sibling they were gifting and not themselves, and trying to keep respectful of the store. The staff was kind and patient but the cart racing and kids everywhere was CRAZY! I don’t do well looking calm and successful when they are all scattered like chickens being chased by coyotes!
We got the gifts the kids did well.  They are way better gifter’s than I am and we survived in tact enough to go to Wendy’s for Frostys, fries, and burgers. I forgot to order enough for me. It’s so enormous to have them all together in public. I’m paranoid, frantic, and self-conscious. But the sweet little lunch I had with Livy and Addie was precious.  

We went on to deliver plates of cinnamon rolls and loaves of bread. All good till we got out in the country and got stuck. I hate being stuck. I hate being powerless and embarrassed and stuck waiting! We rocked back and forth all over. The kids pushed and played snowball fight and watched and I got mad and swore and we finally spun a lot of rubber and got out. Wonderful parenting example I’m sure, killed the warm feelings of Christmas cheer. Probably too much in one day. Wouldn’t know how to live though if life wasn't jam packed with possibility. Now we are home. Spread out and free of close proximity and not in front of others. 

I mediated and  prayed my whole way over counting blessings and begged for more miracles. We have them in our big family journey. Although we were in the doctors office 4x last week with 4 different strep cases and had 9 of us tested. I think we have got it nipped in the bud. Thus saving money and fret over antibiotic cost.  And though Anna’s teeth are terrible no one else’s were this time. And we found cool presents and got our list mostly done and we are going to survive cussing mom and all. The pictures capture our better moments. 

So life is  real at our household. It is crazy, calm, warm & bright, and cold and cussing! But lesson learned is calm down remember the reason… and don’t go where it is treacherously slick and on a hill. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night (and one day of sleeping in hopefully soon)!!

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