Monday, December 14, 2015

12.14.15 chicken mayhem

A change is as good as a rest....or so the saying goes. Today instead of going to school we went to the dentist and doctor.
 Livy was first in the chair. They verified cavities. She did great!! Our dentist has tvs on the ceiling and she was mesmerized.
After her visit I left three to cycle thru cleanings and took a sore throat for a strep test. Unbeknownst to me the clinic is now appointments only. They did conceed to take us this time.
The hardest part of doctors visits are the well children. This child has not been 100 percent for a few days. He was content to lay on the short paper covered table\bed.
The other three are very well and got Bored!!! Very quickly. After touching,climbing on, and opening everything possible. They took to each other. I think cameras on waiting exam rooms might be funny.

When we got back to the dentist to pickup those who had been seen they had time to fill Lucy's cavities. She was a champ and got two teeth filled!! Yeah Livy. We love ourquick,  patient, understanding dentist.

After all our running we got home to find carnage. 6 dead chickens!! Feathers all over and some stray dogs meandering away. Grr!! Mark was very upset.
We hunted for chickens and found stragglers. One was stuck in the pig pen mud. After prying her out of the muck she seemed ok
 Time will tell. While we rounded them  Greg hunted dogs. Mark and John dug holes to dispose of carcasses.

Life on the farm is always a surprise! I was pondering the possibility of watching a Christmas movie when we got home but instead we finished off a mortally wounded rooster. Shot a dog. Shot a tree (I was just practicing shooting a gun. Greg was so mad I didn't at least kill a bird. I was only aiming at the tree.)  and my boys buried dead chickens. Which as I review this is probably far superior to zoning out. I think mom is the only one here who seriously craves nothing time. Although no one was happy about the situation it's much more engaging.
Oh well maybe Christmas day we will do nothing. Best to you today.

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