Tuesday, December 1, 2015

12.1.15 Family HOME Evening

For a few days now I have been pretty convinced my family would be much better off with a different mom. One who doesn't swear, who gets the house cleaned, who is a better cook, who is more patient and doesn't yell so much. A mom like I wish to be but life of crying babies, messy curious toddlers, trying in some small part to reach out to sisters in my ward and family occasionally, it just isn't happening as of the past months or maybe even years?
I will spare you the details but it has been pretty dismal in my head of late. I'll blame a lot on hormones changing and a non-sleeping baby. But the thoughts were pretty rampant nonetheless. Last night, two things though changed that for a minute, and I have to write them down for fear of loosing them to the cobwebs of time.

For the past couple years though we have been really trying to have family home evening. Of late Greg has even been coming home. Our life touched  me last night, again hormones and other situations swirling around, I just love this family of mine.

Anna was doing her homework, the boys were interested in seeing if they could understand some of her science problems. They did and were elaborating their understanding. I love how engaged they are it wasn't squabbling just sharing life.

The best part of having Greg home is one more set of hands. Here he is helping the little girls finish their soup. I love soup in the winter, they weren't quite so impressed. He is so kind to patiently feed each bite to them. Most of his pictures in our married life are him feeding kids. He is a kind dad. I love how mature and skilled Millie is getting. Just looking at the way she holds her spoon. They are changing so fast.

And more homework. This time pre-algebra with Harold.  And do I dare explain the picture? Okay So one son has a mucus problem. It's always clotted in his nose and it's gross. He doesn't or won't clean it. So I instructed him in a perfect mom moment to "Pick it if he won't blow it!" I did not instruct him to eat it just clean it out!
This is the boogie dance... yes they are singing a song about boogies. fuzzy twirls and all they were really into the dance! Yes, maybe I should have just stuck with swearing. Nevertheless it was funny, it was happy and honestly while no formal lesson was taught- we went on to sort potatoes- I absolutely love these times when we are just together.

Mothers of young children you want out, you want activity, you want something stimulating. I can hardly believe how nowadays I just want home. I want nothing going on. I want them all here not elsewhere. And how it's these random spur of the moment moments that are the best times. It is very rare for us all to be here. And while the homework took till 10:30 (I knew it! I was so ecstatic to be comprehending algebra so well, possibly divine intervention) and the topics may not have been the most wholesome it was good.

 I'm struggling to sort the important from the nice and to truly share the excitement and wonder and greatness of the month. December is already loaded full of requirements and activity and a looming sickness is lurking in some throats already but I am grateful to have the problem of people I love in my life. I am thankful for a knowledge of the Savior and a month to re-visit his life and ministry with my family. Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. We loved the dancing, but could you tell them all too stop growing!? We love and miss you all dearly!
