Wednesday, December 23, 2015

12.23.15 Dog chicken Update

Well we apparently need target practice. As I diligently worked on getting the Christmas party planned for our ward many a phone call was intereputed with "Hold on I need to go shoot a dog..."

Then the rush to get the gun and load it and make it shoot.

Yep I need a lot more practice moving targets are much harder to stop then a jug of water or pop can. So far dogs are still at large somewhere. THey also killed a duck and one more chicken. And I got no shots. John got one, much to his sickday delight!

I did get the right ammo in the right gun but that was about it. Jammed it once and had too many obstructions the next time. Cows, pivots, cars, kids, and trees are very prohibitive. Oh well lesson learned need to practice more.

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