Monday, December 7, 2015

12.7.15- Cinnamon Rolls

December is a crazy busy time of year. I tried to make it less stressful and wound up making it more work for me... traditions are in place for a reason. Some day I may learn to stop working against myself.
Until then my cute crew is growing and advancing in their ability to help. These girls mastered the art of cinnamon rolls this weekend.

We have always taken treats to friends in December it's our version of delivering bags of sugar. MY dad being a sugar beet grower would give 5lb bags of sugars to landlords, neighbors, and associates in the month of December. I loved going with my dad to do this. So we support him and make treats.
With the outrageous cost of eggs and butter we have switched from cookies this year to cinnamon rolls.

And the finished product. We give bread to the sugar restricted friends we know. We only give one roll per person as it's not a feast just a gesture of goodwill, gratitude, and love from our family to another.

Addie also made a family picture book this weekend. Pretty nice! She worked for a few hours putting it together then I worked for another one editing. It amazes me how capable they are getting. While I struggle to stay ahead of them in organization and understanding of all the technology, understanding world events and how to handle difficult social things it is wonderful to receive their work and their offerings as part of our family.
I was working on another remembrance book and from Dec 2011 the little kids were sick and it was busy. Dec 2015 the littles are sick and we are more busy! Thank goodness we still have littles and thank goodness for Tylenol! What a miracle drug that is. Can't imagine how scary and long life would without the comfort of knocking back fevers and taking the edge off very painful teeth. 
As I review and plan and shop for Christmas excitement I'm more thankful for what we do have and at a loss for what more we could possibly want. I think that is the root of my Christmas frustration is there is nothing we NEED.
This weekend my sisters and parents worked on emptying my grandparents house. That was sad, and enjoyable to remember and relive memories found in pictures, clothes, quilts, whisks, and old newspaper clippings, and thus bittersweet. How I love the life and memories they gave me. They were the best part of my Christmas. I'm searching my mind how to share the special-ness they gave and how to overcome my oh to sensible side. But just like the sugar bags have morphed into sweet things, my Christmas offering to my family will morph into something that is us at this time.
As I've asked the kids what they want it's things like to be home together, watch a movie, eat pie, big tractors!! Books. And Mark just like he did 4 years ago farm animals! Somethings never change- well except he really wants live animals not plastic ones from D & B!
Our best and most sincere wish that you will find a Merry Christmas too this year.

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