Friday, December 11, 2015

12.11.15 Keeping On'

Anna's Evening of Excellence was the best ever this year. The girls decided, decorated, led, and completed all the of the evenings events. It was simple and sweet with almost each girl picture reporting on one project or goal she had worked one over the year. I loved that all the girls participated. Their singing of I am like a Star shining brightly was tender and innocent like they mostly still are. And I loved that the entire focus of the evening was them. No hoopla, no days of decorating and undercoating, just simple this is what we are learning and what we learned, then casual visiting and lovely treats, and home.

Her new leaders are really teaching a powerful lesson that is in direct line with President Uctdorf's continual counsel to simplify and just focus on the most important part.

At the end of the day I am done. Tired, frazzled from homework and trying to get children to bed, and listening to crying toddlers all day. I'm wound tight! Addie likes to cuddle and play with me a bit. Here she had added more curls to my hair. She is a sweet kiddo and I do enjoy her need for attention, it helps me unwind a bit too.

And the latest new worker recruits. We bought another four wheeler. This one is more kid friendly and these two are all too happy to drive here and there working on fencing. The focus of our lives for these past few months has been Fencing. It's good to have busy kids, it's good to be outside, it's good to gain confidence. The rest of the world cannot fathom the responsibility of cows. It's very difficult to reconcile our families efforts on building pens and helping with these beasts for the time being- with our other commitments. I'm sure I will miss the necessary work but as of this morning and struggling with merit badge issues and scouting, and Christmas traditions- I'm screaming uncle we can't do anymore!!

Yet we will do more, and we will survive and somehow we will work through the frustrations. I think that is the best part of marriage the calm partner who is not riled and who keeps the situation from nuclear crisis mode. So onto the fencing and the fun of up and down the road on the 4-wheeler, and the muscles of working, and the large meals for the crew! Work is good and as the quote says-  
Work will Win when wishy washy wishing won't!! 
Best to you today.

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