Sunday, December 13, 2015

12.13.15 all i want for Christmas

After a long and patient year we got married at Christmas time. We had CDS made to provide background music for our reception. The number one song from that compilation is All I want for Christmas is You!  Every year when I ask Greg what he wants he replies I already have what I want, you! He's so sweet. I realized this weekend that I should probably reply so nicely as well. I'm very slow on the love front, oops. Seriously though he is such a great husband. Patient and kind, stubborn and strong, and very endearing. These pictures were taken after our annual town party. A friend throws a party that is always interesting. Being the working homebodies we are we don't get out much. This event is always a surprise as to who we will end up sharing our dinner table with and get to know for an hour or so. I love the new interactions and I love and hate trying to get prettied up enough to be seen on my husbands arm.

I love that our children are photo bombing our picture. I love being a mom! I love my kiddos and it is a gift to have each one of them struggles and all in our home and life.

Any free moment- meaning not filled with meetings- we are delivering cookie plates or cinnamon rolls to neighbors and friends. This has become the thing I want for Christmas. Time with my family enjoying pleasant activity. We now sing with each plate drop off. The delight and surprise of people living in the country makes this added effort worth the time.
It was additionally thrilling to watch Addie, Reed, and Aliza take over much of the cooking. I'm reaping the rewards of good readers, eager helpers, and maturity! It is good. I'm the dishwasher and rescue cook. They are the creators and workers. We still had food coloring in the carpet and all over some kids who weren't helping, and I discovered Afton had a hair cut sometime this weekend as well- probably thanks to Livy, and lots of fingers taste testing, but we got through and it is good to share time and love with others!

And finally on our day-date from the temple we stopped for a minute to look at an army surplus yard and found this tank complete with missiles. Take that home security system! We didn't purchase it, of course, but I thought it was pretty funny. Greg taught me it is a decoy. Anyway just a random item to add to your prepping list... Merry Christmas to you.

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