Tuesday, December 8, 2015

12.8.15- November wrap up

My baby loves cookie dough! Gross! She is much more content up where the action is happening. She grabbed this spatula and fell in love. I had to take a picture because I really think cookie dough is gross and scolded my sisters for teaching Anna and Aliza to like it. Guess it's inevitable.

My conscientious scout getting an award for always wearing his scout shirt...that he couldn't' find for pack meeting.

Doing a skit with a friend. Thank goodness for opportunities that stretch these boys of mine and help them gain confidence.

A shared spur of the moment experience. My kiddos are growing up. As a gift my sister Mary offered to share her season tickets to the BSU game. I wasn't interested at first but last minute we pulled it together and Anna and I zoomed off to Boise to the game. I must be a mom because I thought it was loud and tribalistic. I think it's city peoples way of letting off steam to stand and yell at reff's, player's and the like for hours on end. But it was rare and wonderful to share time with my kind, inquisitive, oldest daughter and very thoughtful smart sister Mary. I appreciate her thoughtfulness in making this night happen. It was a cold night but it was really entertaining to see the marching band perform Itsy-Bitsy spider complete with spider formation,  and the wheels on the bus complete with moving bus wheels.
The hoopla of sporting events was awesome, and it was good to introduce my daughter to another life experience. I did love college sports when I was in college.

And the reason for the experience Anna and Harold had birthdays. our Irish twins are now 14 and 13.

Harold was gone camping with the scouts as he has been for the last 2 years. He's a tough cookie and gaining that ability to be always prepared and ready for any situation. Love that program!! Even though I worry constantly when my boy is sleeping out in the 10 degree wet weather.
Afton loves all the attention and activity when everyone is home. This brother dotes on her. Possibly that is why she is not such a happy camper all day when they are gone. I am officially boring!! Or out of shape and responsible for a lot more laundry, dishes, and dinner than she is. Oh well thank goodness for the bus that brings fun back home, to rescue the littles from boring mom.
So quick salute to my teenagers-
Anna is kind to others and her parent, pretty I almost tear up looking at her kid pictures to now she has become a young woman! She makes life beautiful she loves to draw and design things. She is insightful, she gets the gospel and is understanding life and people in a loving concerned way. She is spiritual and is moving onto developing her testimony on her own. And  she is strong! Pounding posts, herding cows-she is not afraid and knows how to work those fast stubborn beasts- and playing ball she is a force to be reckoned with.

Harold. Where to start? He has been his own strong willed person since conception. Coming far earlier than we had planned, making me seriously reconsider all my ideas of parenting and child bearing. He was taken by life-flight after 3 days of incubator hoping. I didn't hold this kiddo for more than a minute until he was about 5 days old. He was content just growing in that box for a week... I would go visit him daily and cry on the way there and cry on the way back. He taught me about faith, sacrifice, and commitment. These necessities haven't changed a whole lot.
Harold is the epitome of "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink!!!" He does things his own way in his own time. I am constantly fighting for and with him still today. I'm proud of who he is and defeated when he shows me again and again he's not all the way there yet. The one thing I'm trying to get into his head is- He is and can be much more, than the minimal amount he usually puts into life.
He's smart, he's kind, he loves to play with his little sisters, he is funny, he is quiet. He figures out any paper design thing- origami is easy for him!!
He's a leader, and he's working hard at figuring out how to be a man. His epic response to what he wants in a wife is - Not a jerk! He makes people laugh, and his smile is still infectious! hence his long lost nickname Happy.
I love these two. I thank God that he knew better than I, in sending them so close together. They are best friends sharing confidences and seeking each others advice and support. I love how they care for and challenge me.

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