Tuesday, March 1, 2016

3.1.16 livys day

Livy had a pretty spectacular birthday. First off she got sang to at church and received her candy necklace. She was delighted!
Second her Sunday school teacher dropped off valentines cookies for her. Livy graciously shared them around. She loves to be noticed might have something to do with being child #8. But she loves to be listened to and to have the light on her for a while.

Then we had a birthday dinner and presents with grandma and papa. Yeah!! Livy loves new clothes.

In the midst of all the action Reed lost a tooth.

And thanks to some intense training with her big sisters Livy has learned how to pose like a emotionless model. No smiles just blah I'm so cool. She loved the belt and jacket. She loves to be fancy!

Yes we love this cutey of ours. Can't believe how fast time is going but love all the added maturity and handling of life. Less crying more doing. For all that encompasses we are grateful.

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