Sunday, December 31, 2017

12.31.17 Christmas

Too often we just participate and don't capture what the normal was. Then time passes and those moments are only shadows in our leaky mind. This year I snapped a few photos not posed just moments of what the normal has been for a long time. Each year a little bigger, a little more excited, and the same pattern. I love the reliability of the pattern. Details may change- no trifle or ice cream sundays this year, just pie with lots of cream or ice cream. But the same general order. We eat a delicious dinner that the kids don't even taste as they are so excited. I remember the same phenomena as a kid! Then we work towards cramming into the living room. I play the piano to accompany the group in a few Christmas carols. This year Cadi and Megan joined me with two songs they had learned. We listen to the Christmas story found int he gospel of Luke. Then the kids went and exchanged cold cereal wrapped up pretty and the parents eventually had a white elephant gift exchange. The kids watch a movie in the basement. Justin and Ruth bring funny gifts. This year Greg, always a good sport and predictable with his comments, modeled some Santa shorts and hat for us. It is so good to just laugh. I'm thankful for the diversity of my in-laws they are great people. 

And that's Christmas Eve. Christmas morning is at our house. Stockings only so no need to get up extremely early. The kids cleaned, chores were done, and breakfast made this year no turnovers instead scones, deviled eggs, adn all the sausage links you want- a Christmas present.
Then we read the LIving Christ as we know the nativity and then opened presents. That is always an exciting time. Then they play and we head to Greg's parents later in the day for dinner. Complete with special jellos, rolls, and chips! It's relaxed and sticks to the pattern.

The next day is game day. Leftovers are the menu and the kids just play all day. Some pretend and color, and some organized with game boards, dice, cards, and points.

Another visit with Santa. He was quick and efficient. Kids requested and moved on. 

Christmas was a little slower this year and a lot more peaceful. I wasn't so tired that I could barely keep my eyes open for my families Christmas day. WE visited a lot of people. After church Sunday we headed out to visit the last ones on our list. We had meaningful conversations and really enjoyed the surprised looks on people's faces. We hurried home to do chores and get to my parents. It was a lovely season.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

12.30.17 December

December is such a full month. Anna and Harold had finals at high school. Thus there was a lot of time spent studying and reviewing. The little kids are great mirrors and even Bruce took part in the cramming sessions.

We worked hard at seeing our friends and neighbors. taking our traditional treats. Mint brownies, butterscotch awesomeness, and sugar cookies. Simple, not a diet buster, and yet so so yummy! Most houses we would sing a carol or two then wish them a Merry Christmas and move on. IT took longer to get out of the car than do the actual visit. Alas, it was good to spread some holiday cheer and to enjoy being together as a family. 

My budding welder made a piece of art deco for our Anniversary. The browning deer heads in a heart. HE is of course camera shy. But Harold  did a great job on the plasma cutout. An off-duty teacher helped him polish it and color treat the metal. 

A Sunday morning. These guys sleep the same see the arms in the air. Super great to share space with them both. Bruce loves to come snuggle at various times of the night. Thank goodness he goes back to sleep. 

We went away for the night for our anniversary when we came home it was so nice to see and hold the kids. We ended up watching a movie late into the night but it was so good to just all be together. Bruce loves the camera and was more interested in a new gun to shoot.

A rose from the bouquet Greg surprised me with. The kids are very hard on flowers but I rescued this one and gave it a drink of water and voila it opened beautifully.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

12.20.17 The Best Christmas Pagent Ever

Today has been one of cooking, running back and forth for kids requests, and enjoying being a mom. Harold was given the opportunity for extra credit if he brought treats to class this morning. He had a new recipe he wanted to try out yet in his usual dash to the bus left the cookies on the counter. He called from school giving me 15 minutes to bring the treats so he could get credit. I of course jumped up from my warm chair and two almost back to sleep toddlers and rushed into town for Harold. Mark was home to feed the youngsters.

Mark was anxiously waiting for his turn to go to the stock sale at the local auction house. Every week I get tears for not taking him. So he made arrangements and happily skipped a day of school to go sit for 6+ hours watching cows, steers, bulls, and calves parade through the ring. He had a front row seat and was lucky to be close enough to get manure on his clothes. The Life!!
I was worried when I saw his host still moving cows so after and hour alone I went back to check on him. I arrived just in time to stop him from bidding on a pen of 3 bull calves. Phew Providential intervention!
We watched for a while then I encouraged him to go buy lunch. This was an exercise in independence training. We were surprised to learn that today was the buyer appreciation day and lunch was gratis! The little girls were in heaven with a buffet. I talked with some older gentlemen who come for the camaraderie of fellow farmers and "for a day off from caring for the wife."
I of course had to defend myself to the men, for truly having 11 children. Eschewing some of the wonderful positive aspects of such a brood while they run around, eat all the food and are generally normal kids. We didn't spill anything so that was an added bonus. It brought tears to my eyes as I drove home. Those men remind me of my grandfather. I honestly love the ribbing, swearing, and general honesty of these older men. I will miss that generation when they are all gone. Each encounter reminds me and pierces my heart with memories and love for him. He holds a very special place in my heart. 
Mark was fine, we were fed, and the day continued to roll on. I felt bad for letting the girls eat so many of the deviled eggs. So the girls and I came home and quickly baked the treats for tonight's program while making more deviled eggs. 
We went back to town and delivered the eggs and said thanks for lunch. Then headed back home for a quick nap

Bruce took his in the car. 
Then the real race began. We zoomed to pickup kids to get them spiffed up for the nights program. I tried to pry Mark out of the sale barn but he would have nothing of it until the bull we had sent last night sold. So we left him and headed home to wash the manure smell from our hair and curl the performer's hair. Thank goodness for three boys who required no make-up, curling, or fanciness- or we would never have made it on time. We snagged Mark as we headed to the performance thank goodness the sale was medium size and finished by the time we needed to go. 

Addie's handbell choir playing deck the halls. 

The Program was delightful. Aliza and friend were the narrators. The storyline was the explanation of the Nativity to children who had never heard it before. I am so abundantly grateful for a community who seek out the good and actively work on promoting harmony. This was another great night of sharing love and fellowship with our neighbors and associates whom we are so delighted to be raising our children with. The girls were brave enough to visit Santa. Maybe because big sister Anna was their escort. They pretend to be her when she is gone at school. They just adore her. Another beautiful part of large family hood- sibling greatness. 

And my desire for tonight to be asleep. Such a great picture Greg snapped last week. He is so patient to stay in love with such charming elegance. But seriously it was a great day making memories doing what my kids wanted and needed to do!  Being a mom is tiring and wonderful. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!

Friday, December 15, 2017

12.15.17 New bench

I received one of my Christmas presents early this year. A custom made bench for my full table. 
This bench was crafted by Uncle Justin. He made it wide enough to handle any girth or activity. He knew little people would need room to maneuver. I had to document how forward thinking he is. 

It work great! It's even a nice table for those that want a change of height. I love it! The kids not assigned to the bench have somehow managed a swap to get a turn on the new furniture. We are thankful for talented uncles. 

Thursday, December 14, 2017

12.12.17Traditions- chains and baking

The fun just keeps on rolling here. Ha ha yes the kids decided to make the annual paper chain. This was a great way to kill some time, work on dexterity & patience, and is an unbreakable decoration. They are getting so much more skilled that all I did was ignore the mess this year. They were amazing at getting a lot done in a short time. The older kids declared the chain is tacky on a tree so we strung it around the room for a truly festive touch. 

Another fun mess we like to make is lots and lots of baking. Aliza has discovered cupcakes I am resembling a cupcake from many angles.

Bruce is way to busy for his or my good. He loves to pry the lid off the flour bucket and sift, sort, and surround himself with flour. 

John is my pal. He lovingly devours any and all treats. It is truly awesome how fast a batch of anything can be history with this guy around. I have got to take more control of the healthy eating habit  I should be teaching. 

And Sunday night was rounded out with a community singing festival.  Community members of other congregations were invited to join us at the high school to sing and listen to Christmas music. For a non-musical town my girls have been blessed with several opportunities this fall to sing. 

The little girls chose to sit way up on the top row of the bleachers. I followed them alone. It was 3 to 1 odds and I lost. They loved the freedom and echo of their little feet rushing back and forth on the bleacher rows. They headed down one set of steps raced across the floor and up the other side. They went outside into the large halls. I was at a loss as my heavier pounding steps were not so mouselike chasing them. in the end I got them corralled and the program ended. Still not sure how to get through these events gracefully. It was an inspiring night and a good opportunity for the older kids. On to the next Christmas activity. Greg was at home watering cows so the rest of us could participate in the concert. I guess in the end these little mice will grow into participants too and then I will just watch with a kind smile the other younger moms chasing their little ones. Maybe.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

12.12.17 Traditions- Gingerbread houses, Tree

According to Hallmark gingerbread houses and Christmas tree decorating are an integral part of Christmas. I have never done much with gingerbread, but decided to succumb so my kids could fully experience the holidays. No seriously, some opportunities came and all I had to do was provide candy so it was a win-win. My sister Ruth invited us to a little kid decorating party. It was a delight. The kids love candy dipped in frosting and the enjoy the time spent with cousins!!

Addie is my middle child all the way through. A kind friend invited her to spend time with her lost middle child. They had a delicious day decorating to their heart's content, with no sibling interuptions!

The young women also took a dab at gingerbread houses. I won't explain the headless snowman or impaled santa claus. They obviously had fun. And ate candy so another successful night!

And our Christmas tree which we got up in the single digits maybe by the 5th and have slowly decorated and re-decorated daily. It's not a rush it's not a finished project but an object that is enjoyed. The warm glow of the lights the peaceful scent of real pine. The excitement it invites for the kids have been fun to watch.

An old time tradition stringing popcorn. Let the popcorn sit for days and it absorbs moisture making it totally easy to work with. Doesn't break! These two were very good stringers. I was a bit surprised. Livy gave up and gave up and gave up. She doesn't like to do hard things or be beat by her younger sisters. Another interesting personality trait as we get to know how she works.

On to baking and singing this week. It's gonna be a good sweet one I think.

Monday, December 11, 2017

12.11.17 See the good

We have traditionally participated in Meals on Wheels in the month of December. No exceptions this month. I was late, frazzled, not sure where I was going and encumbered with overzealous helpers who like to sample if not watched carefully. A totally normal day. I was frustrated and spent a few miles of time thinking how it's so much easier for others. No carseats, constant threats to stay buckled and just generally free of little opinionated little people. Terrible I know. Selfish and so short sighted. Stupid becuase the a main focus point is teaching the kids to serve and share an activity I enjoy. But true.

They are cute on doorsteps handing over food. They smile and say a sweet Merry Christmas. We only spilled one hot lunch. However, then the lady wasn't home so it was all good. We have never spilled a lunch. I now know what not to do.
When we got back to the meal site I replaced the bags in the delivery vehicle and took the notebook inside. A man beckoned me to follow him. I was hesitant. But another senior lady encouraged me on. His jolly face accompanied a small bouquet of roses he insisted I take one. He smilingly and lovingly said "I hope you have a good day! Merry Christmas!" Wow I was humbled. Such a kind gesture from a total stranger. I took the rose to my car and showed the girls. I am truly thankful for them. I am thankful for their slowness and inability to keep track of shoes. I love their enthusiasm! I'm so thankful they want me to hold them and cry when or if I might leave them. I just have to remember to see the good and not dwell in the land of negative thoughts. Off we go again today and this time I'm going to enjoy all of it come what may. (And I know where I'm going so that makes it easier:) Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

12.6.17 Traditions- snowflakes

Years ago Aunt Brenda shared some time with us making snowflakes. Every year since, part of our holiday decorations involve these hopeful tributes to a white Christmas- although we are reserving any sort of snow praying until December 21 at least. Unless you are John and MArk and then we glare at you when you do. 

The pinking sheers made snowflakes that looked like lego creations. So interesting how each is unique to the child that creates it.

Anna and HArold have become particularly adept at intricate paperwork.

and of course hanging our snow. The little girls love attention from Harold and all things Christmas, so this was sheer delight for them. My full grown son walking on my couch...grimace and bear it.

And the most interested clean up crew. So cute they love to be part of the action.

This year I'm trying to make sure we pay attention to the excitement of Christmas. Making sure that the things that are important to the kids and make their eyes light up are happening. This weekend we made space for the Christmas tree, bought and have plans for many gingerbread houses. Addie made the first. We bought a tree. We colored Christmas pictures, sang carols, made snowflakes, and made and ate cookies. So far so good. I want them to have happy memories of the entire season. I'm working to remember their time is short in my home and  I want them to have fond memories of living here so forward ho! on the traditions that are ours. The laughter, smiles, and togetherness is of course my favorite part. And the new ability to totally relax watching hallmark movies even in bed is a nice help. Merry Christmas!