Monday, December 4, 2017

12.4.17 A New Driver

Those are real smiles on that reluctant picture guy. He had been asking everyday for two weeks when we could go. I held him at bay for one week demanding he read the instruction book first. Well the night of the viewing he made wise use of his time studying. 
On the way over to take the test I told him crazy questions I remembered and quizzed his general knowledge. We missed the cut off time because the DMV was so busy. But they let him take the test anyway. He passed with an 80%. So of course I got to be chauffeured around. He has his first hour of driving under his belt and did pretty well. He reported scaring his dad the next day by driving off the shoulder next to a huge drop off is cause for alarm. 

Onward and upward and in the passenger seat. Probably some subliminal parental learning here, no longer the boss of the teen kids but more the instructor coach provider as they figure out how to live their lives. So far so good. 

And one more learning and showing her natural ability. Livy is quite the artist. She is showing her pictures of mom's pushing carriages with babies. Some moms have babies in their tummies too. I love seeing how their minds work. And I love that they always use red for hair! Life is good. 

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