Tuesday, December 12, 2017

12.12.17 Traditions- Gingerbread houses, Tree

According to Hallmark gingerbread houses and Christmas tree decorating are an integral part of Christmas. I have never done much with gingerbread, but decided to succumb so my kids could fully experience the holidays. No seriously, some opportunities came and all I had to do was provide candy so it was a win-win. My sister Ruth invited us to a little kid decorating party. It was a delight. The kids love candy dipped in frosting and the enjoy the time spent with cousins!!

Addie is my middle child all the way through. A kind friend invited her to spend time with her lost middle child. They had a delicious day decorating to their heart's content, with no sibling interuptions!

The young women also took a dab at gingerbread houses. I won't explain the headless snowman or impaled santa claus. They obviously had fun. And ate candy so another successful night!

And our Christmas tree which we got up in the single digits maybe by the 5th and have slowly decorated and re-decorated daily. It's not a rush it's not a finished project but an object that is enjoyed. The warm glow of the lights the peaceful scent of real pine. The excitement it invites for the kids have been fun to watch.

An old time tradition stringing popcorn. Let the popcorn sit for days and it absorbs moisture making it totally easy to work with. Doesn't break! These two were very good stringers. I was a bit surprised. Livy gave up and gave up and gave up. She doesn't like to do hard things or be beat by her younger sisters. Another interesting personality trait as we get to know how she works.

On to baking and singing this week. It's gonna be a good sweet one I think.

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