Sunday, December 3, 2017

12.3.17 LIght the World

After church on fast sundays we do a fast meeting in our home. This helps the kids learn to bare a testimony, gives us a chance to learn from each other, and to hear the hearts of our children and they ours.
Part of the weekend work was reconfiguring our house in preparation for the Christmas tree. The boys thought they would take the mom and dad chairs.  

Bruce was all over that. He loves being the center of attention. 

Another large part of December is the challenge/invitation by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to Light the World doing acts of Service. This year with my nephews death his parents have requested that in honor of David we try to be more kind and love others and suggest this template as a way to do so.
Today's challenge was to do good on the Sabbath.
Part of the conundrum of the Light the World is we do a lot of service anyway, do we do more? do we do less? does what we do count as enough? Are we in the right spirit?
Well as I sat at home waiting and organizing my kids to get ready for the next activity (Bishop youth Discussion- Harold took homemade ice cream sandwiches. More later about that.) I stewed that Greg was not home but out working. But as I sat in my chair reviewing ideas I realized while I was stewing and brewing Greg was out doing. Like he always does. He is a master at using his abilities to help others.

Mark trying to avoid the camera. See I have some boys like David who want to know the how, what, why, and wherefore about everything their quick eyes see. In some ways I can't think too much about the similarities or I worry or cry. But that patient husband of mine just explains away, taking it in stride and never barking "Be quiet!" at those inquisitive little minds. One relief is when those kids go with dad and I can enjoy some quiet. He is patient and he has plenty of ideas on how to slow down the bored mind by giving the kid a lot to do and try.

After the kids came home and reported on their fireside complete with incredulous comments that other kids had no idea how to assemble homemade ice cream sandwiches "Like they had never had them before...!" I realized I need to chill out a lot more. I helped my son go and be noteworthy. I hold down the fort and continue to feed the troops. For today that was my contribution to using my skills to bless others. It's hard to remember that a mother's service in her own home is the most important work and people to worry about. I may focus too much on those outside, than the people inside my life. Working this holiday season to correct that or to better mesh the two.

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