Wednesday, December 6, 2017

12.6.17 Traditions- snowflakes

Years ago Aunt Brenda shared some time with us making snowflakes. Every year since, part of our holiday decorations involve these hopeful tributes to a white Christmas- although we are reserving any sort of snow praying until December 21 at least. Unless you are John and MArk and then we glare at you when you do. 

The pinking sheers made snowflakes that looked like lego creations. So interesting how each is unique to the child that creates it.

Anna and HArold have become particularly adept at intricate paperwork.

and of course hanging our snow. The little girls love attention from Harold and all things Christmas, so this was sheer delight for them. My full grown son walking on my couch...grimace and bear it.

And the most interested clean up crew. So cute they love to be part of the action.

This year I'm trying to make sure we pay attention to the excitement of Christmas. Making sure that the things that are important to the kids and make their eyes light up are happening. This weekend we made space for the Christmas tree, bought and have plans for many gingerbread houses. Addie made the first. We bought a tree. We colored Christmas pictures, sang carols, made snowflakes, and made and ate cookies. So far so good. I want them to have happy memories of the entire season. I'm working to remember their time is short in my home and  I want them to have fond memories of living here so forward ho! on the traditions that are ours. The laughter, smiles, and togetherness is of course my favorite part. And the new ability to totally relax watching hallmark movies even in bed is a nice help. Merry Christmas!

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