Saturday, December 30, 2017

12.30.17 December

December is such a full month. Anna and Harold had finals at high school. Thus there was a lot of time spent studying and reviewing. The little kids are great mirrors and even Bruce took part in the cramming sessions.

We worked hard at seeing our friends and neighbors. taking our traditional treats. Mint brownies, butterscotch awesomeness, and sugar cookies. Simple, not a diet buster, and yet so so yummy! Most houses we would sing a carol or two then wish them a Merry Christmas and move on. IT took longer to get out of the car than do the actual visit. Alas, it was good to spread some holiday cheer and to enjoy being together as a family. 

My budding welder made a piece of art deco for our Anniversary. The browning deer heads in a heart. HE is of course camera shy. But Harold  did a great job on the plasma cutout. An off-duty teacher helped him polish it and color treat the metal. 

A Sunday morning. These guys sleep the same see the arms in the air. Super great to share space with them both. Bruce loves to come snuggle at various times of the night. Thank goodness he goes back to sleep. 

We went away for the night for our anniversary when we came home it was so nice to see and hold the kids. We ended up watching a movie late into the night but it was so good to just all be together. Bruce loves the camera and was more interested in a new gun to shoot.

A rose from the bouquet Greg surprised me with. The kids are very hard on flowers but I rescued this one and gave it a drink of water and voila it opened beautifully.

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