Thursday, December 14, 2017

12.12.17Traditions- chains and baking

The fun just keeps on rolling here. Ha ha yes the kids decided to make the annual paper chain. This was a great way to kill some time, work on dexterity & patience, and is an unbreakable decoration. They are getting so much more skilled that all I did was ignore the mess this year. They were amazing at getting a lot done in a short time. The older kids declared the chain is tacky on a tree so we strung it around the room for a truly festive touch. 

Another fun mess we like to make is lots and lots of baking. Aliza has discovered cupcakes I am resembling a cupcake from many angles.

Bruce is way to busy for his or my good. He loves to pry the lid off the flour bucket and sift, sort, and surround himself with flour. 

John is my pal. He lovingly devours any and all treats. It is truly awesome how fast a batch of anything can be history with this guy around. I have got to take more control of the healthy eating habit  I should be teaching. 

And Sunday night was rounded out with a community singing festival.  Community members of other congregations were invited to join us at the high school to sing and listen to Christmas music. For a non-musical town my girls have been blessed with several opportunities this fall to sing. 

The little girls chose to sit way up on the top row of the bleachers. I followed them alone. It was 3 to 1 odds and I lost. They loved the freedom and echo of their little feet rushing back and forth on the bleacher rows. They headed down one set of steps raced across the floor and up the other side. They went outside into the large halls. I was at a loss as my heavier pounding steps were not so mouselike chasing them. in the end I got them corralled and the program ended. Still not sure how to get through these events gracefully. It was an inspiring night and a good opportunity for the older kids. On to the next Christmas activity. Greg was at home watering cows so the rest of us could participate in the concert. I guess in the end these little mice will grow into participants too and then I will just watch with a kind smile the other younger moms chasing their little ones. Maybe.

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