Monday, December 11, 2017

12.11.17 See the good

We have traditionally participated in Meals on Wheels in the month of December. No exceptions this month. I was late, frazzled, not sure where I was going and encumbered with overzealous helpers who like to sample if not watched carefully. A totally normal day. I was frustrated and spent a few miles of time thinking how it's so much easier for others. No carseats, constant threats to stay buckled and just generally free of little opinionated little people. Terrible I know. Selfish and so short sighted. Stupid becuase the a main focus point is teaching the kids to serve and share an activity I enjoy. But true.

They are cute on doorsteps handing over food. They smile and say a sweet Merry Christmas. We only spilled one hot lunch. However, then the lady wasn't home so it was all good. We have never spilled a lunch. I now know what not to do.
When we got back to the meal site I replaced the bags in the delivery vehicle and took the notebook inside. A man beckoned me to follow him. I was hesitant. But another senior lady encouraged me on. His jolly face accompanied a small bouquet of roses he insisted I take one. He smilingly and lovingly said "I hope you have a good day! Merry Christmas!" Wow I was humbled. Such a kind gesture from a total stranger. I took the rose to my car and showed the girls. I am truly thankful for them. I am thankful for their slowness and inability to keep track of shoes. I love their enthusiasm! I'm so thankful they want me to hold them and cry when or if I might leave them. I just have to remember to see the good and not dwell in the land of negative thoughts. Off we go again today and this time I'm going to enjoy all of it come what may. (And I know where I'm going so that makes it easier:) Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day!

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