Wednesday, January 31, 2018

1.31.18 Book Worms

We are the carpool for cub scouts. Yesterday Harold had an appointment to finish a merit badge at the big library in a neighboring town. The kids were so excited to go to the library. One little scout heard they were going to the library and said "Why would you be excited to go to the library?" Anna turned to him and said "In our family we like the library!"
Yes we do! All night I had a semi-quiet house with kids deep into their new books.

However we also love to play and visit with cousins. This little one is a fun experience.

These silly girls are always coming up with fun and games. One of Anna's friends cleaned our her closet and gave them to the little girls. 

One day they arranged the chairs  and pretended to watch monster trucks on TV. (We have never watched monster trucks on TV or movies.) They provided the loud!! sound effects it was a boisterous exciting time at our house. 

Livy also styled an earphone and cellphone holder for her imaginary phone with pipe cleaners. So even though mom is totally oblivious and distracted this month their imaginations are going strong. Thank goodness kiddos are so resilient.

1.31.18 Early church

Man o man do we love early church. We have so much time to create, relax, index or transcribe obituaries or work on personal advancement projects (merit badges). We love the extra time to enjoy being together and resting our minds and bodies of the strains and stress of the week.
These two love puzzles. The idea of a puzzle makes me twitchy but I love watching their progress and happily buy them puzzles to work on. Bruce separated their puzzle this week but MArk diligently put it back together and now they are more than halfway done on this project.

Sanding the derby car.

Addie enjoyed painting last years derby car. The organization flow of the scout program is sorely missing in the girls programs. It's been interesting and frustrating to wish the girls were so sequentially and methodically taught and trained in their programs.

And merit badge packets. All 30 pages of detailed learning. The challenge of really knowing something when you are just young enough to be curious but not old enough to care to do that much research. It is frustrating and maddening at worst, and mildly entertaining at best. This night Greg took some time to work with son #2 on this laborious process. Continually chipping away at those requirements does eventually earn a badge but it is not for the feint of heart or weak of mind. We did finish a few badges last week so that was inspiring to keep enduring. I guess it is a good diversion or practice in self discipline for John. This short window in kids lives where they are not overwhelming busy yet are destructively bored merit badges may plant small seeds that can grow into hobbies, careers, talents, and life pathways. I guess they are divine instruments of personal development. Although they really feel like the bain of my existence right now. But all good things require some hard times, right? Must know bad to appreciate the good? oh blessed scouting a way to learn life lessons. Yes there is some sarcasm! However as I write I'm realizing there might be some intrinsic good in the REALITY of the struggle it has been to complete this learning. Onward to the Eagle Nest we go!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

1.30.18 Derby Time

Year number 9 of Pinewood Derby's. I don't love them anymore now than I did 8 years ago. This year's car was pretty amazing given the time constraints it was fabricated under and the total ownership Mark and Greg had preparing it. No outside tutors or help (although I think grandpa may have helped cut it out but maybe not). With that said and the long disappointing history of being less than stellar derby car creators, this year was challenging in other ways.

Apparently the only night available for activities this month was that Thursday night. We had 4 places to be in a 2 hour window. not counting dinner and chores. We knew this well ahead and made arrangements to be 4 places at once. The Derby had some pretty fancy cars. I liked the semi-trailer with tractor entry, I'm always very impressed with the creativity of the cars. We told Mark you are lucky to have a car and that we didn't just stay home. Fancy paint jobs have just not happened in the last few years but maybe that's not Mark's interest. 

The derby race is always the biggest scout event of the year. Lots of boys and support crew all excitedly watching how their creation races. 

The end result. From Right to Left 1234.

Another night with lessons on winning and loosing. On sportsmanship and integrity. Good things to encounter, discuss, and feel. Mark is a good kid surrounded by good kids,caring adults, and leaders who work hard to make memories. While outcomes may not always be what you hope the opportunity to participate and to grow are worth the challenges. The time before the race dreaming and hoping for victory, spending time with loved ones (dad, grandpa, siblings cheering your efforts on) are the good part. The thrill of a win and the small moments of winning and enjoyable too. Another night another derby down. Yay! Reed will be in there next year, not really. Then he too will have the chance to learn to win and loose graciously. Until then we will be thankful to have more girls than boys!

Monday, January 29, 2018

1.29.18 Aunt Gwen

Life goes by very fast. Years roll and leave quicker and quicker. We were fortunate to have a visit from our dear Aunt Gwen this past week. This is a time of year I must stay focused on my book work and could not go visit as I wanted. however the kids were able to spend a significant amount of time getting to know and love Aunt Gwen. 

I credit her with teaching me how to read to children. She is a master. She has lots of practice!! She has highly educational, moral, thought provoking, funny, and beautifully illustrated books. She reads with inflection, annunciation,and punctuation. She is patient and calm as she reads, she discusses the moral or character lessons learned at the end. The kids all gather around. I'm sitting listening or picking up the floor and listening I love her stories! 

Livy snapped this picture while we were visiting. I'm pretty sure Aunt Gwen would not love it. However it shows her intently listening and visiting. She is compassionate and so good at keeping the family unified. She shares tidbits about the various families that she has seen and small sections of her life. I love this good lady. 

Lately it's been hard to stomach the obvious passing of time and the resultant changes in health, remembrance, and what use to be with those around me. I'm struggling with change in people I really care for. Whether it be moves to easier locations, health restrictions, or the ultimate passing from this life, it is hard for me when situations change. Maybe selfishly it makes me more aware of my own rapid life changes. I choose to ignore them in my eternal mind that is not a whole lot different than it was 20 years ago. Yet this frail mortality moves on, which prophets say is a very desirable progression, but with my limited view I cling to these moments that thankfully keep happening. Stories shared, testimony borne and her strong spirit and love for the Lord felt and heard. I hope these lessons are tucked away into the files of my children's minds. We have a great love for this sweet lady and gratitude for the family bonds that tie us together. 

1.29.18 Hope & Healing

The kids snapped this picture before we went inside last week. They were able to go with us, with the new come use the temple philosophy the question was only why not take the kids too? They were the only kids in the baptistry. We were upstairs doing a lot of sealings. We have been able to go a lot more often of late and it's making a big difference in our family life.

In the swirl and busyness that is life today I love the temple! I love the hope and healing and the good feelings that linger after I'm able to go inside those hallowed walls. I love taking my kids and other peoples kids to let them bask in that peace and goodness for a while too.

There are a lot of problems, concerns, heart aches, and downright evil in the world today. It's a scary hard place.  Life has gotten very heavy during the last year, yet when I go into the temple and get re-focused and slow down I know it's ok. I remember whom I trust and who is most powerful and good.
The afterglow of being in the temple is calming too. I've grown more and more frustrated with people and situations I cannot change. It's not in my ability or right to change others yet bu refocusing on God and giving more time to Him my ability to cope is changing. I'm holding my tongue more. I'm seeing answers to heart wrenching prayers come quicker and I'm grateful.

The scripture that is burning in my mind of late is John 3:17- "God sent His son into the world NOT to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." God is not condemning me or anyone else, rather he reaches out and waits on me to turn to Him. Time and again through all my stubborn and lazy wanderings.

I'm so grateful for a place to heal my troubled heart to find peace and to remember hope. I'm thankful I can take my kids into the same place and they too can be healed and find hope in a bigger picture than the smallness that surrounds them. God is so good.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

1.13.18 My little man

Bruce continues to be a busy boy. He enjoys all things male. Feeding cows and bossing mom.

Eating Dad's special Raspberry jam. I put this away a couple times but he sure enjoyed it for lunch. Dad was not so happy. 

He has learned so well from his siblings how to prepare for prayer. It was so special seeing them all kneeling and with arms semi-folded. 

Although I'm not sure of lots we do here the simple habit of scriptures and prayer are ones I hang my hat on. It's busy, loud, not very absorbed but it's a habit and I see results coming with the older kids. They are in deep muddy waters but they see and yearn for different and know the Savior and for that I am grateful. It's very different being raised in a house full of teenagers. There's lots of throwing, tickling, pens/markers, and candy. Habits are easy to copy. From eating beets to going potty at night it's amazing what the younger ones want to do just because everybody else is. We stress to the olders how imperative their choices are. As an oldest child I know that weight. I don't claim any credit for my amazing siblings, but I see as the mom how much the youngers watch, copy, and love the older siblings.  

Friday, January 12, 2018

1.12.18 Resting

2017 was a very long hard year. For so many reasons it wore us out! The kids talk about the snow often about the days and days of shoveling. They have chosen to skip over the any days that followed shoveling dirt and mud for the rest of the year. In December I finally exclaimed I need a break. I need them home... things had finally slowed down enough I got my wish. Today is gorgeous maybe 45 degrees sunny no snow and a gentle breeze. A perfect laundry day. We've done over 8 loads now with a few more to go. Sheets, sweatshirts, and the normal other stuff. I love and am so thankful for these days. 

I soaked up the moments watching the kids just be kids. I'm loving listening to them play with each other. (And there's screaming going on right now, for the overstimulated not in charge younger ones not use to the extra bossing!). The older ones are at the temple with Grandpa Saunders. A nice opportunity for them and allowing me to double task. 

But I see that rest is not just sleeping. It's time to just play. Time to be kids. Time to teach each other. Things like tying shoes. Piggy back rides. How to play tractors. How to swing. 

We are resting now. Although we are stronger for the myriad of soul and muscle stretching experiences of 2017, I honestly hope 2018 is a little less intense. Even with the chance of not learning as much. I hope that we can rejuvenate and moderate. As I watch and note the birthdays coming up it is startling to realize I will soon have 5 attending Wednesday night mutual. That's almost half! Half in the big kids phase. Times are changing and so are the norms. So for today I'm glad they can still be kids enjoying sun on their faces, swinging high under their own steam and playing tractors on the floor.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

1.7.18 New Year

One tranquil evening we were just sitting around doing nothing. Reading scriptures, reading the paper just resting from another work filled day. And then ...

The kids took over pillows and kids flew and it was bedlam!

Our peaceful most organized child Aliza had the upper hand bringing all into submission with her mighty blows. Dad was unarmed and a perfect target for some playful children. Reed was unable to complete his launch as mom caught him mid air in fear of broken bones somewhere. These posts are not reflective of everyday life but more once in a lifetime here. We mostly work and fall into bed or everyday but sometimes just sometimes we have a little extra time and we play. No pillows were lost in this process. And all kids had a good time. Pretty sure this was how we ended New Year's Day.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

1.6.18 A full day

The 2nd quarter awards assembly was an update on the Saunders Reading team.  Aliza is now at 9200 points. The next closest is at 3000. John hit the 2500 mark, Addie made 1000. Mark, Addie, Aliza got academic awards. Reed got the Perseverance award. 

I had been sick the night before and although we all slept in until 7 am we made it to school by 8:05. We endured the assembly and came back home to relax and recuperate. The cold we have been fighting just too it out of us. So the little girls watched little house on the prairie and I dozed. After lunch I told them if they wanted to watch a movie with the big kids they all had to nap.
 I found Millie a few hours later perched precariously on top of a bookshelf very asleep. Silly girl.

Last day of school for the week dinner is usually much more casual. I love that we have a little more time. I love when my kids are in the kitchen with me. Bruce even got a spot and gently stirred the stirfry. Aliza was making egg rolls with Millie's assistance. A few good tunes in the background thanks to Pandora and we had a nice meal as a result. 

After dinner we watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. THe kids then because they were so well rested. Pretended to be frogs. Not sure where they found so many rubber gloves I can rarely find them when I need them. Bruce was not to be left out and insisted on a large sock of his own so he could run around with them. 

 PRacticing head stands, cartwheels and tired from bouncing.

  Hopping like frogs

 We have a lot of stages and interests here. All day I'm in little kid mode. Usually just wading through the chores of keeping our family going. Then night hits and I'm bombarded with questions about current events, grammar, math, spelling, friends, morality, permission slips and PE scuffaws. It's a wild loud time. Greg asks why I'm so frustrated when he gets home later? Possibly because I'm so shell shocked from the deluge of demands. However, we are seeing some progress and finding some peace during the day so the guilt load is lessening a bit. I'm thankful the kids have these moments to love each other and to enjoy being a family. I love when those good feelings of sharing and caring flood our home even if it's ushered in by rubber feet and frog antics. Love these kiddos.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

1.2.18 Horse Riding

Oh how my girls love horses! They had a special afternoon riding thanks to a neighbors generous loan of her horse. I heard squeals of delight announcing the arrival of the horse escorted via four wheeler. Addie was in 7th heaven. 

The girls rotated through each one taking turns and then as soon as their feet hit the ground again demanding they get another turn.

Anna was confident enough to ride alone. It was a gorgeous day. 

The boys were finally able to make some snow structures. And a lot of snowballs. 

It's funny the ways memories and knowledge are brought to the forefront of conscious thought. The rich smell of horses rushed forgotten memories and lessons learned from my grandparents back to my mind. The girls were using my saddle purchased in my youth near the end of my horse riding excursions. My grandma would come pick me up weekly when I was in middle school. We would go ride a few miles, talk about life, and how to handle it. Those were some choice hours of my growing up. The horse owning neighbor is a long lost cousin on my side. It's interesting that we are now reunited and in such close proximity. Getting acquainted has been a choice experience as well. 

The horse got spooked while Addie was on and started running. Addie panicked and bailed off. She was ok but scared. Having experienced a similar episode I knew she had to try again soon or would be scared for life. The horse had ran for home so Anna and Addie headed after. Addie came back some time later astride the horse with the owner/cousin leading her. Anna traded Addie spots and took the horse back. All the girls have a whetted appetite for horse time now. But more important are learning skills and gaining confidence interacting with new people, and doing hard things. This is going to be another good year. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

1.1.18 Field Trips

Active Farm kids can only be cooped up so long then the coop explodes or they do. Baring the need to plug them into movies and just melt into couch slobs. Bruce however resist the television hypnosis. He loves to go outside no matter the weather. This is his getting ready attempt. He's almost there just missing some pants and shoes. 

Of course it's well worth the effort to go fun places like dad's shop. 

Complete with tools, puddles, and mud!!! What more could a busy boy ask for. He had such a good time. Dad did well even managing Bruce mono-e-mono while I ran a quick errand. 

We headed to do chores for a vacationing neighbor and ended up at a dairy farm to help with calf chores. I learned again that dairy people are tough! And amazing. It was COLD!!! I could barely walk to the car 45 minutes in the kids were a bit more accustomed and made it through the entire 1.5 hours. I had glimpses of the greatness of the team they are. I love watching them work together. They care for each other and know how to divide and conquer. Reed got the coveted job of filling the milk buckets. They have an automatic dispenser. This dairy is highly mechanized we are still trying to talk Greg into coming to see. He will be amazed. It was Awesome! to get a small taste of his life experiences growing up as a diary kid/man.

Another beautiful day doing some work. I realized today that I love seeing how much my kiddos can do. Although tiring it is gratifying to go do projects with these strong bodies. This break has been a mix of zombie movie days, work, playing and enjoying (and some fighting) being together. Breaks are so good for the soul.