Monday, January 1, 2018

1.1.18 Field Trips

Active Farm kids can only be cooped up so long then the coop explodes or they do. Baring the need to plug them into movies and just melt into couch slobs. Bruce however resist the television hypnosis. He loves to go outside no matter the weather. This is his getting ready attempt. He's almost there just missing some pants and shoes. 

Of course it's well worth the effort to go fun places like dad's shop. 

Complete with tools, puddles, and mud!!! What more could a busy boy ask for. He had such a good time. Dad did well even managing Bruce mono-e-mono while I ran a quick errand. 

We headed to do chores for a vacationing neighbor and ended up at a dairy farm to help with calf chores. I learned again that dairy people are tough! And amazing. It was COLD!!! I could barely walk to the car 45 minutes in the kids were a bit more accustomed and made it through the entire 1.5 hours. I had glimpses of the greatness of the team they are. I love watching them work together. They care for each other and know how to divide and conquer. Reed got the coveted job of filling the milk buckets. They have an automatic dispenser. This dairy is highly mechanized we are still trying to talk Greg into coming to see. He will be amazed. It was Awesome! to get a small taste of his life experiences growing up as a diary kid/man.

Another beautiful day doing some work. I realized today that I love seeing how much my kiddos can do. Although tiring it is gratifying to go do projects with these strong bodies. This break has been a mix of zombie movie days, work, playing and enjoying (and some fighting) being together. Breaks are so good for the soul.

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