Friday, January 12, 2018

1.12.18 Resting

2017 was a very long hard year. For so many reasons it wore us out! The kids talk about the snow often about the days and days of shoveling. They have chosen to skip over the any days that followed shoveling dirt and mud for the rest of the year. In December I finally exclaimed I need a break. I need them home... things had finally slowed down enough I got my wish. Today is gorgeous maybe 45 degrees sunny no snow and a gentle breeze. A perfect laundry day. We've done over 8 loads now with a few more to go. Sheets, sweatshirts, and the normal other stuff. I love and am so thankful for these days. 

I soaked up the moments watching the kids just be kids. I'm loving listening to them play with each other. (And there's screaming going on right now, for the overstimulated not in charge younger ones not use to the extra bossing!). The older ones are at the temple with Grandpa Saunders. A nice opportunity for them and allowing me to double task. 

But I see that rest is not just sleeping. It's time to just play. Time to be kids. Time to teach each other. Things like tying shoes. Piggy back rides. How to play tractors. How to swing. 

We are resting now. Although we are stronger for the myriad of soul and muscle stretching experiences of 2017, I honestly hope 2018 is a little less intense. Even with the chance of not learning as much. I hope that we can rejuvenate and moderate. As I watch and note the birthdays coming up it is startling to realize I will soon have 5 attending Wednesday night mutual. That's almost half! Half in the big kids phase. Times are changing and so are the norms. So for today I'm glad they can still be kids enjoying sun on their faces, swinging high under their own steam and playing tractors on the floor.

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