Tuesday, January 30, 2018

1.30.18 Derby Time

Year number 9 of Pinewood Derby's. I don't love them anymore now than I did 8 years ago. This year's car was pretty amazing given the time constraints it was fabricated under and the total ownership Mark and Greg had preparing it. No outside tutors or help (although I think grandpa may have helped cut it out but maybe not). With that said and the long disappointing history of being less than stellar derby car creators, this year was challenging in other ways.

Apparently the only night available for activities this month was that Thursday night. We had 4 places to be in a 2 hour window. not counting dinner and chores. We knew this well ahead and made arrangements to be 4 places at once. The Derby had some pretty fancy cars. I liked the semi-trailer with tractor entry, I'm always very impressed with the creativity of the cars. We told Mark you are lucky to have a car and that we didn't just stay home. Fancy paint jobs have just not happened in the last few years but maybe that's not Mark's interest. 

The derby race is always the biggest scout event of the year. Lots of boys and support crew all excitedly watching how their creation races. 

The end result. From Right to Left 1234.

Another night with lessons on winning and loosing. On sportsmanship and integrity. Good things to encounter, discuss, and feel. Mark is a good kid surrounded by good kids,caring adults, and leaders who work hard to make memories. While outcomes may not always be what you hope the opportunity to participate and to grow are worth the challenges. The time before the race dreaming and hoping for victory, spending time with loved ones (dad, grandpa, siblings cheering your efforts on) are the good part. The thrill of a win and the small moments of winning and enjoyable too. Another night another derby down. Yay! Reed will be in there next year, not really. Then he too will have the chance to learn to win and loose graciously. Until then we will be thankful to have more girls than boys!

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