Wednesday, January 31, 2018

1.31.18 Early church

Man o man do we love early church. We have so much time to create, relax, index or transcribe obituaries or work on personal advancement projects (merit badges). We love the extra time to enjoy being together and resting our minds and bodies of the strains and stress of the week.
These two love puzzles. The idea of a puzzle makes me twitchy but I love watching their progress and happily buy them puzzles to work on. Bruce separated their puzzle this week but MArk diligently put it back together and now they are more than halfway done on this project.

Sanding the derby car.

Addie enjoyed painting last years derby car. The organization flow of the scout program is sorely missing in the girls programs. It's been interesting and frustrating to wish the girls were so sequentially and methodically taught and trained in their programs.

And merit badge packets. All 30 pages of detailed learning. The challenge of really knowing something when you are just young enough to be curious but not old enough to care to do that much research. It is frustrating and maddening at worst, and mildly entertaining at best. This night Greg took some time to work with son #2 on this laborious process. Continually chipping away at those requirements does eventually earn a badge but it is not for the feint of heart or weak of mind. We did finish a few badges last week so that was inspiring to keep enduring. I guess it is a good diversion or practice in self discipline for John. This short window in kids lives where they are not overwhelming busy yet are destructively bored merit badges may plant small seeds that can grow into hobbies, careers, talents, and life pathways. I guess they are divine instruments of personal development. Although they really feel like the bain of my existence right now. But all good things require some hard times, right? Must know bad to appreciate the good? oh blessed scouting a way to learn life lessons. Yes there is some sarcasm! However as I write I'm realizing there might be some intrinsic good in the REALITY of the struggle it has been to complete this learning. Onward to the Eagle Nest we go!

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