Monday, January 29, 2018

1.29.18 Hope & Healing

The kids snapped this picture before we went inside last week. They were able to go with us, with the new come use the temple philosophy the question was only why not take the kids too? They were the only kids in the baptistry. We were upstairs doing a lot of sealings. We have been able to go a lot more often of late and it's making a big difference in our family life.

In the swirl and busyness that is life today I love the temple! I love the hope and healing and the good feelings that linger after I'm able to go inside those hallowed walls. I love taking my kids and other peoples kids to let them bask in that peace and goodness for a while too.

There are a lot of problems, concerns, heart aches, and downright evil in the world today. It's a scary hard place.  Life has gotten very heavy during the last year, yet when I go into the temple and get re-focused and slow down I know it's ok. I remember whom I trust and who is most powerful and good.
The afterglow of being in the temple is calming too. I've grown more and more frustrated with people and situations I cannot change. It's not in my ability or right to change others yet bu refocusing on God and giving more time to Him my ability to cope is changing. I'm holding my tongue more. I'm seeing answers to heart wrenching prayers come quicker and I'm grateful.

The scripture that is burning in my mind of late is John 3:17- "God sent His son into the world NOT to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." God is not condemning me or anyone else, rather he reaches out and waits on me to turn to Him. Time and again through all my stubborn and lazy wanderings.

I'm so grateful for a place to heal my troubled heart to find peace and to remember hope. I'm thankful I can take my kids into the same place and they too can be healed and find hope in a bigger picture than the smallness that surrounds them. God is so good.

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