Monday, January 29, 2018

1.29.18 Aunt Gwen

Life goes by very fast. Years roll and leave quicker and quicker. We were fortunate to have a visit from our dear Aunt Gwen this past week. This is a time of year I must stay focused on my book work and could not go visit as I wanted. however the kids were able to spend a significant amount of time getting to know and love Aunt Gwen. 

I credit her with teaching me how to read to children. She is a master. She has lots of practice!! She has highly educational, moral, thought provoking, funny, and beautifully illustrated books. She reads with inflection, annunciation,and punctuation. She is patient and calm as she reads, she discusses the moral or character lessons learned at the end. The kids all gather around. I'm sitting listening or picking up the floor and listening I love her stories! 

Livy snapped this picture while we were visiting. I'm pretty sure Aunt Gwen would not love it. However it shows her intently listening and visiting. She is compassionate and so good at keeping the family unified. She shares tidbits about the various families that she has seen and small sections of her life. I love this good lady. 

Lately it's been hard to stomach the obvious passing of time and the resultant changes in health, remembrance, and what use to be with those around me. I'm struggling with change in people I really care for. Whether it be moves to easier locations, health restrictions, or the ultimate passing from this life, it is hard for me when situations change. Maybe selfishly it makes me more aware of my own rapid life changes. I choose to ignore them in my eternal mind that is not a whole lot different than it was 20 years ago. Yet this frail mortality moves on, which prophets say is a very desirable progression, but with my limited view I cling to these moments that thankfully keep happening. Stories shared, testimony borne and her strong spirit and love for the Lord felt and heard. I hope these lessons are tucked away into the files of my children's minds. We have a great love for this sweet lady and gratitude for the family bonds that tie us together. 

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