Saturday, January 6, 2018

1.6.18 A full day

The 2nd quarter awards assembly was an update on the Saunders Reading team.  Aliza is now at 9200 points. The next closest is at 3000. John hit the 2500 mark, Addie made 1000. Mark, Addie, Aliza got academic awards. Reed got the Perseverance award. 

I had been sick the night before and although we all slept in until 7 am we made it to school by 8:05. We endured the assembly and came back home to relax and recuperate. The cold we have been fighting just too it out of us. So the little girls watched little house on the prairie and I dozed. After lunch I told them if they wanted to watch a movie with the big kids they all had to nap.
 I found Millie a few hours later perched precariously on top of a bookshelf very asleep. Silly girl.

Last day of school for the week dinner is usually much more casual. I love that we have a little more time. I love when my kids are in the kitchen with me. Bruce even got a spot and gently stirred the stirfry. Aliza was making egg rolls with Millie's assistance. A few good tunes in the background thanks to Pandora and we had a nice meal as a result. 

After dinner we watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. THe kids then because they were so well rested. Pretended to be frogs. Not sure where they found so many rubber gloves I can rarely find them when I need them. Bruce was not to be left out and insisted on a large sock of his own so he could run around with them. 

 PRacticing head stands, cartwheels and tired from bouncing.

  Hopping like frogs

 We have a lot of stages and interests here. All day I'm in little kid mode. Usually just wading through the chores of keeping our family going. Then night hits and I'm bombarded with questions about current events, grammar, math, spelling, friends, morality, permission slips and PE scuffaws. It's a wild loud time. Greg asks why I'm so frustrated when he gets home later? Possibly because I'm so shell shocked from the deluge of demands. However, we are seeing some progress and finding some peace during the day so the guilt load is lessening a bit. I'm thankful the kids have these moments to love each other and to enjoy being a family. I love when those good feelings of sharing and caring flood our home even if it's ushered in by rubber feet and frog antics. Love these kiddos.

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