Thursday, July 26, 2018

7.26.18 Teenagers

We are blessed to have several teenagers in our home. They are so vivacious. This week we were able to attend the temple with them. Harold had pushed for the outing and ultimately made it happen. After a much delayed dinner I was hungry! We headed to the Olive Garden which is rare for us -- after an unfortunate morning sickness episode puking down the freeway while the car slowed to a hurried stop,  we did not go there for over 10 years I made it home just fine last night. Nonetheless it was so good to share the time listening and observing these 4 stooges with my husband by my side. 

I really love the teen years. The kids are finding new talents and abilities, they are interesting, and funny, they are friendly and independent it is such a joy to be around them 80% of the time. I love the boy girl dynamic as they keep each other honest and open. I love the uniqueness of each of their personalities. And I love hearing about their adventures. They are insightful and sassy (from their mom) and I was thankful that Greg could watch them in action too.

I think I'm kinda like our chickens who cluck and coo and cry out when they lay an egg. I feel the same about these lively kiddos and how they are turning into the people we prayed and hoped they would for so many years. It was another golden summer night. Lots of laughing and listening. It's easy to talk with teenagers once they get talking we just listen and nod, and pay the food bill. But honestly we are blessed to have them in our home and look forward to the up and coming group that is closely following on their heels.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Another night spent haying. Minutes before we left we heard from a dear old friend who mentioned she had loved following the baler as a little girl. Her important job was rolling bales to the window row. We assured her that we have little girls, and a very energetic Reed who criss crosses back and forth to roll bales for HArold and Greg, who does the same. It was surprising to hear so randomly from her on this particular night. It made me smile as I watched my kids develop similar memories working together to get the job done. 
 I knew this would be an easier project when I watched the ease of lifting by the guys. They were all able to toss these bales. Another night spent together out in the beautiful world. While we don't delight in pine trees and streams we do spend a lot of time in nature. Years ago I read a book called A family Raised on Sunshine. Although it was a cookbook, I think there is a lot of truth to being in the outdoors. Whether it's hot or not, it's a major part of the earth experience and it's very soul soothing (In the 80's and 90's). 
This was for our neighbor who is still fighting cancer. He shares horse cookies (they look like gingersnaps) with the little kids to feed his 3 horses they love the animal interaction. 

We continue to chip away at teaching Livy to read. She is of course still an artist at heart and preference. We used salt writing to practice her words and she finished the time with a drawing of her and some of our family.

My super duper Addie lost a tooth during church. She is sure growing up and so enjoyable to be with.

And our super dad caught in the act of ministering or visiting a friend. He has always dutifully gone and taught and visited with those he was assigned. This particular stop never fails to lull him into a long head nod. Harold sent me this picture while they were out. Greg works hard long hot hours for us and thus these moments are honest attempts to be found doing good but needing a little more shut eye. We are thankful and awed by his endurance and stamina, he provides well for us and sincerely cares for many others too. I have been struck lately by just how different our lives are. Mine here at home raising our family and his out working and all the people who come through his doors. He is one patient guy.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

7.24.18 Summer

After the sun finally sets and the earth begins to cool usually with a slight breeze we can finally start to breathe again. Yes we are living our pioneer heritage with little a/c. That makes treats like ice cream and cold water from the fridge true delights of summer. This night as we sat around outside - it was much better out there than inside, it was so nice to just have my children close around telling me stories and explaining their activities or thoughts from the day. It was one of those golden mom moments where everything is just good and peaceful. I took a picture just so I could remember that serenity found on that summer night. 

I have memories eating popsicles with my mom during the summer she was pregnant with my sister born in August. I enjoyed swimming or cooling off in the cattle trough we used as a swimming pool and sitting in the shade of our non-a/c house eating popsicles was delightful. My mom was not one for sweets so this was a special exception. Likewise this summer being 2 in 1 we are swimming more and eating ice cream often. I love it!!! Maybe my kids will also have fond memories of mom being pregnant through the hot summer months when they are grown.

We don't just sit and eat ice cream though. The big kids keep coming and going with adventures, work, and life so the junior crew has been on call with their chores. It is interesting how life slows down with the older kids gone. We just move a little slower don't bite off as much and really enjoy thinking a little clearer. Not that we don't miss the older kids like crazy!!! We do but sometimes the haste of keeping them busy and achieving wears our patience and energy stores thin. Thus a few slower days can be nice (not gonna lie though I really like when they come back and take over their jobs).

As we were driving out of our driveway to deliver the big kids to their next adventure Mark came roaring in with news a calf was stuck in the feeder!?! That is a rare occurrence but our aggressive bull is not so kind or gentle with the younger stock and one had spent the night wedged against the bars of the feeder. Super grandma with her experience and innovation managed the tractor with awesome dexterity and tipped the calf out of the feeder. Reed was hand feeding it that night. We are relieved to report it is still moving around and seems to be fine.

The little kids love to climb and go to the farm. This night was no exception. They had a great time watching the livestock and choosing which cow they want for their own.

It's hard for me to realize that each kid moves up in age each year although their spot in the family doesn't change. Reed is going into 3rd grade. He is still number 7 but his muscles and mind are growing and he can do bigger jobs like this. He is actually quite a conscientious cowboy and takes good care of all in his charge. Work a little, play a little, eat and rest a little these are the golden days of our summer so far. Thankful to have one more month before school starts.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

7.18.18 GRowing and Gone

Super gardener dude continues to delight our plates with his harvest. Fresh tomatoes are coming, beans have been eaten, and zucchini continues to come forth. He is dutifully caring for his pumpkins and corn. Harold photo bombed but that was okay cuz we love them both around here. 

The oldest 4 left this week for various adventures. It is sure hard to see them go. I rely on them tremendously but I know these experiences deepen their testimonies, strengthen their self-awareness, and help them gain confidence and valuable life skills. 

My newest high schooler is enjoying some make-up experimentation this summer in preparation for the more beauty conscious high school days ahead. She is a delight I'm so curious as to her reaction to her first mixed sexes youth conference. She shuns boy craziness- PHEW!- yet she is confident, smart, tall, and normal. WE tried to assure her there would be tall boys, I hope we were right. 

This guy is gone camping and hiking and surviving. I hope he took enough and the right stuff. I had many a sleepless night worrying over him. 

My prayers were answered the morning after he left with a random yet straight from Heaven playlist of songs on my pandora station speaking calm and quiet to my anxious soul. I'm excited for him to feel his strength and ability that he doesn't realize yet, he possess.
I'm so thankful for a wise mother who taught me years ago I am just a steward of these children that truly and honestly Heavenly Father is their eternal parent and will do better with them and help them in so many ways I can't. So I just keep the show going with more and more groceries and loads of laundry, and lectures on sunscreen and hygiene and hope and pray it's all going to work out. And excitedly wait for reports on the latest installment of teen life here in our home.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

7.17.18 Putting Up Hay

We have been learning some more family history and it really struck me that so much of what we do in the summer especially gardening, canning, gleaning, working is very similar to all of grandparents gone by. I'm still debating whether this is good or not. I mean machinery is available to make work easier and quicker but sometimes I really believe its good to work the body hard and get a taste of accomplishment from doing a really strenuous task. 

Mark earned some hay for some tractor work which will be fed to his two heifer calves he is hoping to start a herd of his own with. This cutting was baled in small bales. The kids talk fondly of bucking hay from times past so I was excited to see another opportunity in the making. These bales were more dense and heavier and it was a bit hotter than past experiences. Greg's main comment throughout was "Thank goodness they are all a year older and can do more." 

Even being older and stronger this was a big job. HArold and I discussed how strong you would be doing this for days and weeks on end. No wonder our home town was a dominating force in state football competition. This beats any workout regimine cuz there is no halfway the job goes till complete. our minds were blown contemplating throwing/bucking over a 1000 bales a day. They must have been animals. MAny of those men are still mountains even in their advanced age. Muscles built in youth do last... or maybe just the lesson of being able to conquer hard projects leads to a lifetime of physical strength?

Livy loved watching a new play/daydream spot being built. Everyone helped and was involved. Too bad I can't capture the bickering and fighting over who helped the most or was the strongest.... but it was definitely a part of the project. IT takes a while to just settle in and finish. Bad example by their mother, let the true feelings be known but complete the project nonetheless.
The boys were thankful to see the girls appear as fresh help. The girls were not so excited but helped anyway.

CLeaning the loose hay from the trailer. We got a lot of bucketfuls. This project kept the little ones helping and working for quite a while.

Some choose to do it easy and some choose to do it hard. You can guess which is which. 

The crew boss not to be left out of any action. I silently wondered what his work future would be not having brothers to balance a load and older parents will we even attempt projects like this when he is Harold's age? Maybe Harold, John or Mark will be around some and will help him have similar experience. This day definitely made us feel our advancing age.

The end of load one! I love the smiles and the enthusiasm. There is nothing that beats the feeling of doing something hard and unique. The teamwork of needing each other and appreciating back-up is a pretty close second. I love this team of mine. I'm thankful for a willing husband and a strong healthy family who can do projects like this. I think they moved over 16,000 lbs of hay that day. EVeryone slept well and apart from some sore muscles the next day were off to the next adventure on Monday. 

I admit to shaking my head when contemplating the other option of going and doing something fun like boating- we don't do those things much. But we do work together and as I'm learning from family history that is a trait that has been passed down generation after generation. That probably isn't such a bad thing either.


After swimming we sometimes stop to see Greg for a minute. Bruce loves to be released from his car seat so he can go explore dad's shop. He loves tools! This night was no exception he was so funny playing with this drill. 

Bruce has few boy cousins his age so when these guys showed up last week he had a great time roaming around with them. 

He loves to be held very close with lots of contact. I don't love this but will probably miss his tight presence in the years to come. He is insistent that he be positioned just right under my chin and tight enough to dawdle my hair in the back. 

These boys didn't quite know what this machine was doing, if they would have fingers would have been dipping and licking quicker than we could say ice cream. Aunt Alena was kindly making homemade strawberry ice cream for us. The boys were just curious to see the machine work. 

Friday, July 13, 2018

7.13.18 Lotsa Cousins

We are blessed to have lotsa cousins. Some are close thank goodness, and some are far away. We have been thankful to visit with the faraway ones in the past few weeks. In fact we are having so much fun we don't want it to stop. One night we played softball. Everyone got a hit, some even got homeruns- Harold.

We got to watch  a fireworks show. No small adventure with such an audience. Thanks to our cool uncles who think of such diversions.

Complete with sparklers which are always a worry. We said no at first and were the mean parents but then we relented.

And let the little girls have just one. Everyone was fine and had a great time watching the show.

 WE were also joined by lotsa cousins for an impromptu swim party which happened to be close to Ms. Millie's birthday party.

We celebrated day of with a blueberry bundt cake.

Millie had been counting the days for months. She's kinda alone being a summer birthday ares are more towards fall and early spring or May. Alas it arrived and went and she is another year older and wiser.  And like any occassion it was made super great by all the family who showed up to share the time.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

7.12.18 Hog days of Summer

We are in hog heaven, or something like that here. The pigs are turning from cute piglets into large rooting machines. They love their morning walks and have become pretty manageable- meaning they know where to return to and do so without too much fuss.
Addie is still the master hog-lady. Her pig is pretty much full grown we think, and knows it's master well. Addie was getting more pictures for her record book one morning this week. 

Bruce is definitely the spoiled little brother. One  day amidst a fresh fit of wanting me to hold him -- my hips are not liking that much any more too much weight-  Anna intervened teen style and introduced him to ear buds. He was instantly charmed, of course. 

The perk of being the youngest is lots of different approaches to calm you.
But because we were deep in the throes of this record keeping project anything to keep the peace was accepted. Three record books about 20 pages each. Thank goodness Addie is here and has kept such meticulous records. I finally succumbed and sat down at the keyboard and instructed the boys to just tell me what to write as their dilly-dally effort was driving me crazy! We got the books put together, after an 8 hour day of writing, typing, editing, copying, pasting, and organizing pages. our leader came tonight and signed them she thought they looked nice- again thanks to ADdie for the instruction. She had spent the time watching the instructional videos and had the instruction paper. Again so thankful for the mix of boys and girls at our house each has different strengths.  I hope we are ready for interviews on Friday.

So no lounging around here unless you are a pig. We will celebrate when fair is over! If no other way than naps and showers! All in all lots of learning and accountability which are good lessons to learn. To the fair we go!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

7.11.18 John L Wagstaff Missionary

This past weekend we were overwhelmed with surprise company and utterly torn as to which direction we should go. We had the annual Saunders reunion 7 hours from here and the every three years or so Wagstaff reunion the same day. We decided after an honest assessment of our accumulated sleep for the week and the ability to pack kids, stuff, and condition of car that staying home was the best option. Therefore we headed to the local reunion. We were rewarded with these choice pictures of grandpa wagstaff on his mission in the early 30's. He served in California. He's the missionary in overalls. P-days must include basketball no matter how fancy or humble to court. 

Of course much time is spent studying the scriptures.

Sometimes you walk, sometimes you ride a bike, and sometimes you drive a "chariot."


And home again playing with cousins. The kids are having a great time playing all day with new friends. Summer is  great time to renew friendships, catch-up, and make new memories.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

7.10.18 4th of July

This year we went in many more directions than normal on the 4th. Greg however kept tradition alive by climbing the silo before the sun rose to post the flag. Harold was the only kid old enough left at home to join him. The pictures were as always spectacular, especially if you had seen the farm in the olden days. The even uniform green is just a dream come true. The temperate June helped everything on the farm grow and progress without the stress of too much heat!

After posting the colors doing all the chores and then some time just waiting around for the later risers we hurried and headed to town to watch Addie run a race. Aliza and Anna are workign as team managers and were helping with this fundraiser for the cross country team. The little girls were as always excited to see their Liza!

Addie in the middle yawning. Harold agreed to run with her- just for fun to keep her safe... he was in jeans no less. HE got first and she got a close second!! Way to go Addie and Harold. ( I was at the swings with Livy and Afton and missed seeing them come in hence no picture.)

We then headed to the annual breakfast hosted by our ward. Addie and Mark are great friends it was touching to see them come in literally this close discussing the days events. Their individual strengths make for quite a dynamic team!

To the lake we went. Bruce thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. Cookies, capri suns, chips, water to play in  and not too many people saying no. He even kicked his feet up for a while. This year was highly unusual weather wise. Aliza slept wrapped in a blanket. Greg also took a nap. It wasn't too hot but not too cold either. I'm happy to report we only had minor sunburns on 5 kids. And goals were met to get up on the wakeboard, knee board, etc. Even the reluctant cousin joined Addie on the tube for a ride. Addie is pretty careful and confidence inspiring. She has a knack for caring for and convincing people.

From the lake to the parade. 5 kids participated. 3 on this FFA float. Harold in the front in blue with hat turned backwards. Mark and Reed made a gallant stand scooping the horse remains through the entire route after a hot day on the water. They were tired but they survived. Mark is muttering the horses should have been shot.... 2 girls watched with me. 4 stayed home to rest re-hydrate.

We came home to enjoy the 'decadent dinner' that Grandma Sue fries up once a year. Fried chicken strips, steak strips, onion rings, french fries rounded out with a milkshake. All American food on an All American day!

To the end of the day where we rejoined the boy scout group to pick-up the flags from the street. I'm proud of these boys for their willingness to serve the community putting up and taking down the flags. That's important and someone has to do it. I spent the hour or so waiting finding someone with a key and working to get the shed opened.

Another American Independence day celebrated. We work to make it patriotic for others and to enjoy it ourselves. It's fun to work and spend time with friends. I was struck by all the friends we have in the community thanks to GReg's work and the kids various clubs and such. We live in a great land with wonderful people. We are blessed!