Wednesday, July 11, 2018

7.11.18 John L Wagstaff Missionary

This past weekend we were overwhelmed with surprise company and utterly torn as to which direction we should go. We had the annual Saunders reunion 7 hours from here and the every three years or so Wagstaff reunion the same day. We decided after an honest assessment of our accumulated sleep for the week and the ability to pack kids, stuff, and condition of car that staying home was the best option. Therefore we headed to the local reunion. We were rewarded with these choice pictures of grandpa wagstaff on his mission in the early 30's. He served in California. He's the missionary in overalls. P-days must include basketball no matter how fancy or humble to court. 

Of course much time is spent studying the scriptures.

Sometimes you walk, sometimes you ride a bike, and sometimes you drive a "chariot."


And home again playing with cousins. The kids are having a great time playing all day with new friends. Summer is  great time to renew friendships, catch-up, and make new memories.

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