Tuesday, July 24, 2018

7.24.18 Summer

After the sun finally sets and the earth begins to cool usually with a slight breeze we can finally start to breathe again. Yes we are living our pioneer heritage with little a/c. That makes treats like ice cream and cold water from the fridge true delights of summer. This night as we sat around outside - it was much better out there than inside, it was so nice to just have my children close around telling me stories and explaining their activities or thoughts from the day. It was one of those golden mom moments where everything is just good and peaceful. I took a picture just so I could remember that serenity found on that summer night. 

I have memories eating popsicles with my mom during the summer she was pregnant with my sister born in August. I enjoyed swimming or cooling off in the cattle trough we used as a swimming pool and sitting in the shade of our non-a/c house eating popsicles was delightful. My mom was not one for sweets so this was a special exception. Likewise this summer being 2 in 1 we are swimming more and eating ice cream often. I love it!!! Maybe my kids will also have fond memories of mom being pregnant through the hot summer months when they are grown.

We don't just sit and eat ice cream though. The big kids keep coming and going with adventures, work, and life so the junior crew has been on call with their chores. It is interesting how life slows down with the older kids gone. We just move a little slower don't bite off as much and really enjoy thinking a little clearer. Not that we don't miss the older kids like crazy!!! We do but sometimes the haste of keeping them busy and achieving wears our patience and energy stores thin. Thus a few slower days can be nice (not gonna lie though I really like when they come back and take over their jobs).

As we were driving out of our driveway to deliver the big kids to their next adventure Mark came roaring in with news a calf was stuck in the feeder!?! That is a rare occurrence but our aggressive bull is not so kind or gentle with the younger stock and one had spent the night wedged against the bars of the feeder. Super grandma with her experience and innovation managed the tractor with awesome dexterity and tipped the calf out of the feeder. Reed was hand feeding it that night. We are relieved to report it is still moving around and seems to be fine.

The little kids love to climb and go to the farm. This night was no exception. They had a great time watching the livestock and choosing which cow they want for their own.

It's hard for me to realize that each kid moves up in age each year although their spot in the family doesn't change. Reed is going into 3rd grade. He is still number 7 but his muscles and mind are growing and he can do bigger jobs like this. He is actually quite a conscientious cowboy and takes good care of all in his charge. Work a little, play a little, eat and rest a little these are the golden days of our summer so far. Thankful to have one more month before school starts.

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