Thursday, July 12, 2018

7.12.18 Hog days of Summer

We are in hog heaven, or something like that here. The pigs are turning from cute piglets into large rooting machines. They love their morning walks and have become pretty manageable- meaning they know where to return to and do so without too much fuss.
Addie is still the master hog-lady. Her pig is pretty much full grown we think, and knows it's master well. Addie was getting more pictures for her record book one morning this week. 

Bruce is definitely the spoiled little brother. One  day amidst a fresh fit of wanting me to hold him -- my hips are not liking that much any more too much weight-  Anna intervened teen style and introduced him to ear buds. He was instantly charmed, of course. 

The perk of being the youngest is lots of different approaches to calm you.
But because we were deep in the throes of this record keeping project anything to keep the peace was accepted. Three record books about 20 pages each. Thank goodness Addie is here and has kept such meticulous records. I finally succumbed and sat down at the keyboard and instructed the boys to just tell me what to write as their dilly-dally effort was driving me crazy! We got the books put together, after an 8 hour day of writing, typing, editing, copying, pasting, and organizing pages. our leader came tonight and signed them she thought they looked nice- again thanks to ADdie for the instruction. She had spent the time watching the instructional videos and had the instruction paper. Again so thankful for the mix of boys and girls at our house each has different strengths.  I hope we are ready for interviews on Friday.

So no lounging around here unless you are a pig. We will celebrate when fair is over! If no other way than naps and showers! All in all lots of learning and accountability which are good lessons to learn. To the fair we go!

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