Wednesday, July 18, 2018

7.18.18 GRowing and Gone

Super gardener dude continues to delight our plates with his harvest. Fresh tomatoes are coming, beans have been eaten, and zucchini continues to come forth. He is dutifully caring for his pumpkins and corn. Harold photo bombed but that was okay cuz we love them both around here. 

The oldest 4 left this week for various adventures. It is sure hard to see them go. I rely on them tremendously but I know these experiences deepen their testimonies, strengthen their self-awareness, and help them gain confidence and valuable life skills. 

My newest high schooler is enjoying some make-up experimentation this summer in preparation for the more beauty conscious high school days ahead. She is a delight I'm so curious as to her reaction to her first mixed sexes youth conference. She shuns boy craziness- PHEW!- yet she is confident, smart, tall, and normal. WE tried to assure her there would be tall boys, I hope we were right. 

This guy is gone camping and hiking and surviving. I hope he took enough and the right stuff. I had many a sleepless night worrying over him. 

My prayers were answered the morning after he left with a random yet straight from Heaven playlist of songs on my pandora station speaking calm and quiet to my anxious soul. I'm excited for him to feel his strength and ability that he doesn't realize yet, he possess.
I'm so thankful for a wise mother who taught me years ago I am just a steward of these children that truly and honestly Heavenly Father is their eternal parent and will do better with them and help them in so many ways I can't. So I just keep the show going with more and more groceries and loads of laundry, and lectures on sunscreen and hygiene and hope and pray it's all going to work out. And excitedly wait for reports on the latest installment of teen life here in our home.

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