Monday, July 2, 2018

7.2.18 My guys

WE enjoyed a lovely lunch including this beautiful zucchini today! It was harvested last Saturday. We got another today and we are loving being in garden season!!!

 Reed has been working hard hoeing, watering, and generally watching over the garden plants this year. He has a knack for vine plants and is anxiously awaiting the tons of pumpkins that should come from his many pumpkin plants.
I love how summer time allows for different skills to shine through. Confidence is gained and a little peace is found in new schedules, new problems, and a change of pace. WE once read a book where one o f the characters just sat and soaked up the sun day after day while the others worked. When teased and questioned why they responded just wait you will see. Through the cold winter while the shivered and waited for the sun to return the one who had soaked up the sun shared stories they had composed while soaking in the sun and thus helped the entire group hang on till the spring came. I think being outside in the summer is the best antidote to the stress and hassle of the school year. Man how I dread going back to that, we haven't been away from it long enough I guess. Nonetheless this has been a great summer for Reed to really show his talents as a farmer.

John has been learning some new skills at the shop as well. He is a very different worker/companion than Harold. HE has a lot to learn but is generally pleasant and congenial to be around. He does not seek out people to talk to and is generally found in the background. I found these selfies. I'm supposing he was waiting for instruction on his next task.

The sunglasses were a major score for him. He was charged with the task of getting Greg new safety glasses. These were his choice. Or course they were not what Greg would use so he was instructed to go back and get the more sensible pair. The cashier/service lady told John she would buy them just for him, and instructed him to keep them. This really surprised John and made his week! I so appreciate the kindness of others to my children. And great selfies showing some of their true colors.

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