Tuesday, July 17, 2018


After swimming we sometimes stop to see Greg for a minute. Bruce loves to be released from his car seat so he can go explore dad's shop. He loves tools! This night was no exception he was so funny playing with this drill. 

Bruce has few boy cousins his age so when these guys showed up last week he had a great time roaming around with them. 

He loves to be held very close with lots of contact. I don't love this but will probably miss his tight presence in the years to come. He is insistent that he be positioned just right under my chin and tight enough to dawdle my hair in the back. 

These boys didn't quite know what this machine was doing, if they would have fingers would have been dipping and licking quicker than we could say ice cream. Aunt Alena was kindly making homemade strawberry ice cream for us. The boys were just curious to see the machine work. 

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