Friday, July 13, 2018

7.13.18 Lotsa Cousins

We are blessed to have lotsa cousins. Some are close thank goodness, and some are far away. We have been thankful to visit with the faraway ones in the past few weeks. In fact we are having so much fun we don't want it to stop. One night we played softball. Everyone got a hit, some even got homeruns- Harold.

We got to watch  a fireworks show. No small adventure with such an audience. Thanks to our cool uncles who think of such diversions.

Complete with sparklers which are always a worry. We said no at first and were the mean parents but then we relented.

And let the little girls have just one. Everyone was fine and had a great time watching the show.

 WE were also joined by lotsa cousins for an impromptu swim party which happened to be close to Ms. Millie's birthday party.

We celebrated day of with a blueberry bundt cake.

Millie had been counting the days for months. She's kinda alone being a summer birthday ares are more towards fall and early spring or May. Alas it arrived and went and she is another year older and wiser.  And like any occassion it was made super great by all the family who showed up to share the time.

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