Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Another night spent haying. Minutes before we left we heard from a dear old friend who mentioned she had loved following the baler as a little girl. Her important job was rolling bales to the window row. We assured her that we have little girls, and a very energetic Reed who criss crosses back and forth to roll bales for HArold and Greg, who does the same. It was surprising to hear so randomly from her on this particular night. It made me smile as I watched my kids develop similar memories working together to get the job done. 
 I knew this would be an easier project when I watched the ease of lifting by the guys. They were all able to toss these bales. Another night spent together out in the beautiful world. While we don't delight in pine trees and streams we do spend a lot of time in nature. Years ago I read a book called A family Raised on Sunshine. Although it was a cookbook, I think there is a lot of truth to being in the outdoors. Whether it's hot or not, it's a major part of the earth experience and it's very soul soothing (In the 80's and 90's). 
This was for our neighbor who is still fighting cancer. He shares horse cookies (they look like gingersnaps) with the little kids to feed his 3 horses they love the animal interaction. 

We continue to chip away at teaching Livy to read. She is of course still an artist at heart and preference. We used salt writing to practice her words and she finished the time with a drawing of her and some of our family.

My super duper Addie lost a tooth during church. She is sure growing up and so enjoyable to be with.

And our super dad caught in the act of ministering or visiting a friend. He has always dutifully gone and taught and visited with those he was assigned. This particular stop never fails to lull him into a long head nod. Harold sent me this picture while they were out. Greg works hard long hot hours for us and thus these moments are honest attempts to be found doing good but needing a little more shut eye. We are thankful and awed by his endurance and stamina, he provides well for us and sincerely cares for many others too. I have been struck lately by just how different our lives are. Mine here at home raising our family and his out working and all the people who come through his doors. He is one patient guy.

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