Monday, April 8, 2019

4.1.19 Little Pumpkin and co.

Lia continues to love her people. Being that she has become mobile has necessitated better seating for her. The high chair is a perfect restraint and elevated option of viewing life. She was getting a new do as Harold washed the dishes recently. She was not upset about that at all. She loves her big brother. 

Her other brother loves to snuggle her too. He loves his Wia too.

And in case one apple wasn't enough the girls thought she might like to select from the many in the box. Oh sweet baby you are living a life of constant adventure and totally surrounded with love. It is so heartwarming to watch the older kids drink of her sweetness and replenish their wearied souls. I love how the younger ones learn to love and nurture someone less coordinated and smaller than them. A baby is a precious addition of learning and loving to a family. We are thankful for our sweet pumpkin head. She truly brightens our home.

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