Tuesday, November 12, 2019

11.12.19 Another Lia post

Lia is learning to kiss. She will pucker up and put her lips on yours. She is also learning to enjoy being kissed and puts her face to your lips to receive that caress. This night she was loving on her dad. She was so cute and persistent. We are a family that kisses their babies a lot. 

Another day I found eggs on sale and stocked up. I have the younger kids rebox them when I get home. Bruce had done the first 5 dozen then moved on. Alia had studied his work and was determined she could do it too.

I don't usually let the baby play with the eggs but she did very well and had an expert supervisor in Afton. Alia was mad when the eggs ran out. I did not, however, let her carry the full cartoons to the fridge. Oh her determination is good and hard to channel. She is a delight and dear to work with everyday. Life is good. And my blogging time is up as she is awake and is insistent that she type too. Oh the strong will of my children!

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