Tuesday, November 5, 2019

11.5.19 Halloween

The week of Halloween when Millie got in the car from the bus she excitedly announced she had signed up to bring 1000 donuts to their class Halloween party. I texted the teacher and asked her what was going on?? She said no just a dozen for Millie and Livy. I said that would be okay and started mapping out the week. I requested the proven recipes from grandma Saunders who kindly shared. The recipe was filed and I didn't look at it until Wednesday night. I was thankful I had bought a quart of buttermilk as all the donut varieties called for it as the wet part. I stirred up four kinds of dough because I wanted to try all four and see which I liked best. YEars ago grandma had made pumpkin donuts for  Anna and Harold's first-grade classes when they came to our pumpkin patch, I remembered them fondly. She had expanded her offerings with coconut, chocolate, and applesauce. 
The dough was simple and reliable to make. IT turned out! I was also able to chill it overnight which was one major selling point of this project I could do it in phases. 

The next morning as soon as the kids were out the door I started making donuts. I could fry 8 at a time and between frying, frosting, and rolling out I was moving. I invited Sue down for hot donuts about 2/3 way through she came and helped me finish so I didn't burn the last ones. Thankfully Lia slept and Afton happily played elsewhere so she wasn't tasting or getting burned. Bruce also slept. 
When they got up and had a donut they excitedly modeled their costumes. All-day it was put them on take them off because mom was trying to keep them clean. We changed one more time and headed to the school to share donuts with the entire school, and to join in some of the parties happening there. We made about 120 donuts that day in about 2.5 hours. And I did not discover my favorite they all had a good flavor so I guess we will have to try again!

Millie was worried because Anna wasn't here to do her hair princess style. We compromised on mom practical and we went to the trunk or treat in town, also remembering some dinner for Harold. 

I loved this display. The lady is a local artist and I appreciated even more that her pictures though festive are not scary. After counseling with Livy for weeks about ghosts and wolves and the like I was loathe to scare her this evening, her imagination is too big sometimes.

Addie wasn't much into taking pictures and the kids were in a hurry to trick or treat so this is the best we have of Halloween 2019.

Reed bank robber, BRuce spider man, Millie princess, Livy witch, Afton fairy, Lia Bumblebee.
At my parents visitng with my dad photo thanks to Addie, I did question why she always takes sideways pictures- she said we move too much. 

And an attempt to document the other fun of the evening the cows were out and spoked and it was dark. The boys had missed trick or treating because they were not finished building another fence, they were given plenty of time but chose to drag it out. When we came home to get them and give the cows some water Greg found cows out of the pen. Hence the big flashlights were brought out everyone took a place along the fence and we got the cows back in while finding the weak spots. The boys and Greg were left home to fix the problem and then moved on to other farm problems. I'm not exctied about this part of the farm season it’s a lot of work to take care of other people's cows and that multiplies as more and more show up.
However, I keep telling myself these lessons are powerful teaching moments and if I can just remember to be the mom that wants men for sons not spoiled big boys we will all be better off. I don't have to do much more than stick to my gun. The consequences are natural and do a good job of teaching what is done right  stays done. Lollygag around and slop through the work then do it again and again and miss out on other opportunities. We have lots of coats, gloves and hats and now big flashlights  so no matter the weather or time of day the situation can be dealt with. We brought them home candy and the younger kids made sure they got some. Not life as planned, but life working toward the big plan.

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